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CTI Solutions Group Enhances Product Lifecycle Management Suite with Jaspersoft - TIBCO Software Industrial IoT Case Study
CTI Solutions Group Enhances Product Lifecycle Management Suite with Jaspersoft
CTI Solutions Group was facing a significant challenge in managing their reporting solution for customers. The company's clients were increasingly involved in monitoring various aspects of their businesses, including wholesale inventory, sales by style, and SKUs. CTI Solutions offered analytics via Excel and other tools in both HTML and downloadable formats. However, the company was struggling to keep up with programming and maintenance, despite having a team of 12 local full-time programmers and another 30 offshore. Six of these programmers were dedicated to maintaining task reporting for 93 countries throughout the world. The company realized that they needed a more automated, more uniform solution that could present information in a variety of ways, both online and downloadable. If they didn't move to a more agile reporting and data handling system, they would not be able to satisfy their clients' growing needs for timely information or hire the talent they needed to grow.
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Bigmate's IoT Asset Management Revolution with Embedded BI - TIBCO Software Industrial IoT Case Study
Bigmate's IoT Asset Management Revolution with Embedded BI
Bigmate, a company that primarily deals with the Internet of Things (IoT) or more specifically, the Internet of Assets (IoA), faced a significant challenge. The company's telematics platform provides real-time vehicle tracking, data analysis, and tools that scale vertically or horizontally. However, new and emerging telematics applications, such as vehicle engine monitoring, were driving the need for customer accessible dashboards and reporting. With data generated as frequently as once a second, delivering visualizations that bring clarity was a crucial requirement. The main objective was to find a product that would enable them to solve their customers' problems effectively.
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Biota Technology's Innovative Use of Data Integration for Energy Sustainability - TIBCO Software Industrial IoT Case Study
Biota Technology's Innovative Use of Data Integration for Energy Sustainability
Biota Technology, a leader in industrial genomics, identified a unique business opportunity to apply DNA sequencing and genomics, typically used in medical and scientific fields, to industrial use, specifically for subsurface exploration in oil and gas. The company recognized the potential benefits of their innovations for energy companies under pressure to improve capital efficiency and reduce operating costs. However, the complexity of genomes and biological material made Biota's vision challenging to implement and scale. The company needed to characterize fluid movement in oilfields by surveying subsurface microbes at different locations, depths, and times, and organizing them into DNA markers. Each Biota sample contained around 20,000 sequences describing around 100 DNA markers, resulting in hundreds of thousands of microbial data points that needed to be stored, categorized, and analyzed for informed business decisions.
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High Tech Company Enhances Marketing Strategy with Predictive Analytics - TIBCO Software Industrial IoT Case Study
High Tech Company Enhances Marketing Strategy with Predictive Analytics
A large tech company was using legacy analytics platforms to support over 500 internal clients with predictive modeling projects. These projects were aimed at improving customer acquisition and retention, identifying up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, increasing revenue, and understanding customer lifetime value. However, the legacy systems were primarily used for data extraction, processing, analysis, and reporting, and had several limitations. The global analytics team was heavily dependent on these systems, and the idea of migrating to a new platform, the TIBCO® Data Science platform, was met with reservations. The team decided to conduct a feasibility analysis by creating a customer lifetime value model for one of the business units, a project they had undertaken multiple times before.
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Streamlining Regulatory Compliance with TIBCO Cloud API Management: A Case Study - TIBCO Software Industrial IoT Case Study
Streamlining Regulatory Compliance with TIBCO Cloud API Management: A Case Study
The management of regulatory changes is a significant challenge for financial companies. The process is often costly, time-consuming, error-prone, and unpredictable. The volume of regulatory information published by state and federal governments is overwhelming, and financial companies are forced to invest heavily in manpower to keep up. offers solutions to these inefficiencies, helping financial services companies manage and respond to the growing volume and pace of regulatory change. Their platform includes purpose-built machine learning models and an API for programmatic access to regulatory information. However, the challenge was managing access to the API and its offerings.
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