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CABAÏA's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
CABAÏA's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
CABAÏA, a French ready-to-wear accessories brand, was committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and environmental sustainability but lacked a clear understanding of its carbon footprint. The company had been experiencing strong growth since its inception in 2015, with a doubling of turnover every year. However, it was aware that in the modern business world, a commitment to the environment and CSR was essential for continued success. The challenge was to accurately measure its carbon footprint to identify areas where it could take concrete action to limit emissions. The traditional methods of CSR assessment were seen as old school, imprecise, and tedious, involving manual review of invoices and other data. CABAÏA needed a more efficient and reliable solution to automate this process.
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BNP Paribas and Greenly's Collaborative Effort to Reduce Carbon Footprint - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
BNP Paribas and Greenly's Collaborative Effort to Reduce Carbon Footprint
BNP Paribas, a leading bank, recognized the urgent need to address the environmental impact of human activities, particularly the carbon footprint of individuals. The bank understood that without a significant reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the global surface temperature could rise by 2°C to 3.5°C by 2100, leading to an increase in extreme weather events and negative consequences for human health and development. The bank also acknowledged the Paris Agreement's commitment to limit CO2 emissions to keep global warming below 2°C. However, the average carbon footprint of a French person in 2018 was 11.2 t CO2eq per year, significantly higher than the target of about 2 tonnes of CO2 per year per capita. BNP Paribas realized that in addition to structural changes in production patterns, individual commitment to decarbonizing consumption and lifestyle was crucial to achieving these reduction targets.
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Greenly's Role in Enabling Bump to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Greenly's Role in Enabling Bump to Conduct a Life Cycle Assessment
Bump, a company committed to building electrical charging stations, was faced with the challenge of understanding and reducing its environmental footprint. The company was aware of the significant climate crisis and the role of mobility in contributing to CO2 emissions, which account for more than 30% in Europe. Bump's mission was to reduce these emissions by deploying charging stations without any financing to democratize the electric vehicle. However, to effectively work towards this mission, Bump needed to understand its main emissions and devise strategies to reduce them as much as possible.
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Emlyon Business School's Journey to Net Zero with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Emlyon Business School's Journey to Net Zero with Greenly
Emlyon business school, a globally recognized institution with over 9,020 students and 125 nationalities across six campuses, was facing a significant challenge in managing its carbon footprint. The school's carbon emissions were at a staggering 11,000t CO2 per year, equivalent to 6100 round trips from Paris to New York. The main contributors to these emissions were travel (49.1%), services purchase (28.7%), energy (6.3%), and fixed assets (6.1%). Given the alarming IPCC reports and the growing interest of students in socio-ecological issues, it was crucial for the school to adopt a strong environmental strategy. The school was committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050, in line with the Paris Accords, but needed a structured plan to reduce its emissions over the long term.
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Collectiv Food's Carbon Footprint Reduction Journey with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Collectiv Food's Carbon Footprint Reduction Journey with Greenly
Collectiv Food, a company committed to building an efficient and sustainable food supply chain, was faced with the challenge of accurately measuring and reducing its carbon footprint. The company was aware of the importance of sustainability but lacked the necessary tools and expertise to establish their emissions baselines across Scopes 1-3. This was crucial for them to support their Net Zero goal set for 2030. The company needed a robust methodology to measure their company-wide carbon footprint, including direct and energy emissions (Scope 1 & 2) and indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3).
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FoodChéri's Climate Commitment: A Partnership with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
FoodChéri's Climate Commitment: A Partnership with Greenly
FoodChéri, a 2.0 restaurant, is committed to providing healthy, authentic cuisine to city dwellers at affordable prices. However, the company is aware of the environmental impact of food production and distribution. In an effort to limit its carbon emissions, FoodChéri decided to conduct a comprehensive carbon assessment. The results revealed that the company's total carbon emissions amounted to 7689t CO2 per year, with food and beverages accounting for 47%, freight 22%, and product purchases 16%. This level of emissions equates to 7689 round trips between Paris and New York, or the annual emissions of 687 French people. To offset this, 3417 hectares of growing forest would be required. The challenge for FoodChéri was to understand the impact of its activities and engage its ecosystem in reducing emissions.
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Metsys' Journey Towards Reducing Carbon Footprint with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Metsys' Journey Towards Reducing Carbon Footprint with Greenly
Metsys, a cybersecurity, infrastructure, and cloud solutions integrator, was keen on committing to the environment by conducting a simple Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment. The company was particularly interested in evaluating the contribution of digital technology to its carbon footprint. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, Metsys aimed to balance economic efficiency, social equity, and environmental quality. However, to reduce GHG emissions, it was crucial to measure them first. This posed a challenge as Metsys needed a reliable, simple, and intuitive solution to calculate its carbon footprint and structure its environmental policy effectively.
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Kalray's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Kalray's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Kalray, a leading semiconductor company, recognized the need to reduce its carbon emissions and lower its carbon footprint. However, the company faced the challenge of not having a clear understanding of its current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. They needed to measure their emissions and identify areas for improvement. The challenge was not only to calculate the carbon footprint but also to involve the entire business in the process of reducing emissions. The company wanted to earn its first badge towards its Net Zero trajectory, but it needed a comprehensive and intuitive solution to measure and manage its carbon emissions.
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Sêmeia's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Sêmeia's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Sêmeia, a company that designs and implements services for patients and doctors to extend the medical time dedicated to monitoring and patient relations, was looking to commit itself and its ecosystem to reducing its carbon footprint. However, to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, it was essential to measure them first. The company needed a solution that would allow it to calculate its carbon footprint accurately, structure its environmental policy, and draw up an action plan to reduce its emissions in the long term. The challenge was to find a simple, intuitive, and recognized solution in the market that could help them achieve these objectives.
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OCUS's Journey to Reduce Carbon Footprint with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
OCUS's Journey to Reduce Carbon Footprint with Greenly
OCUS, a company that provides smart visual content to enterprise companies through a global network of 35,000 photographers, was keen to assess its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The company was aware of the environmental impact of its operations, particularly in the digital world, and wanted to involve its clients in its sustainability efforts. The challenge was to accurately measure the company's carbon footprint, which was essential for structuring an effective environmental policy and creating a long-term action plan to reduce emissions. The company's carbon footprint was largely due to photographer travel, which accounted for 87.5% of its total emissions. Other significant contributors were the purchase of services and digital operations, each accounting for 4.6% of the total emissions.
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aKagreen's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
aKagreen's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
aKagreen, a certified B-Corp, is committed to greening work and living spaces to cultivate well-being through plants. However, the company was facing a significant challenge in terms of its carbon footprint. Despite its environmentally friendly mission, aKagreen was producing a substantial amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The company's 2020 carbon footprint report revealed that digital operations accounted for 63% of its emissions, service purchases 11%, and fixed assets 7.1%. This amounted to 11 tCO2 per employee, equivalent to 76 round trips between Paris and New York. aKagreen was aware that preserving the environment was at the heart of its DNA and business, and it was necessary to reduce its carbon output as much as possible. The company needed to accurately identify its sources of carbon emissions to structure an environmental policy and draw up an action plan for long-term emission reduction.
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Greenly's Role in Alter Way's Commitment to Managing its Digital Footprint - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Greenly's Role in Alter Way's Commitment to Managing its Digital Footprint
Alter Way, a company committed to building responsible digital services, was faced with the challenge of controlling and reducing its environmental footprint. The company, which designs, develops, and manages cloud and DevOps oriented architectures, was concerned about the environmental impact of the cloud infrastructures set up at their clients' sites. Alter Way was also committed to limiting the carbon emissions of cloud infrastructures by implementing a 'GreenOps' approach. However, to effectively manage and reduce its environmental footprint, Alter Way needed to accurately measure its carbon emissions. This was a significant challenge as it required a comprehensive and accurate assessment of the company's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
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Arca Conseil's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Arca Conseil's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Arca Conseil, a specialist in data retrieval, was seeking a simple and efficient solution to measure their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The company's objective was to control and reduce their environmental footprint, a crucial step towards achieving a Net Zero trajectory. However, the challenge was not just about measuring direct and energy-related emissions (Scope 1 & 2), but also indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3). The company needed a comprehensive solution that could accurately calculate their total carbon footprint, which would then allow them to structure their environmental policy and devise an action plan for long-term emission reduction.
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BCB Group's Carbon Footprint Reduction with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
BCB Group's Carbon Footprint Reduction with Greenly
BCB Group, a leading provider of business accounts and trading services for the digital asset economy, was facing a challenge in terms of its carbon footprint. As the conversation around Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) grew, the company felt the need to invest in responsible change and reduce its environmental impact. The company wanted to measure its commitments, attract top talent, reassure partners concerned about their carbon footprint, and lead the industry in a more sustainable direction. The challenge was to find a scientific and transparent approach to assess their carbon footprint, covering all scopes of emissions, and integrate it with their existing tools.
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Bridge Partners with Greenly to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Support Energy Transition - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Bridge Partners with Greenly to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Support Energy Transition
Bridge, a leading Open-Banking platform in Europe, was seeking to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the energy transition. Despite being a 100% digital business, Bridge recognized the importance of adopting a low-carbon strategy. The company was keen to not only reduce its own emissions but also to play a role in the broader commitment to environmental sustainability. The challenge was to find a way to accurately measure and track its greenhouse gas emissions, and to integrate this process into its existing operations in a secure and efficient manner.
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Aurélie Fabre Institute's Journey Towards Net Zero with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Aurélie Fabre Institute's Journey Towards Net Zero with Greenly
The Aurélie Fabre Institute, a wellness institute based in Tours, France, was keen on understanding and reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The institute wanted to evaluate the carbon footprint of its product purchases and commit to a more sustainable ecosystem. However, the institute lacked the necessary tools and expertise to measure its carbon emissions accurately. The challenge was to carry out a comprehensive GHG assessment that would not only quantify the institute's carbon footprint but also help structure its environmental policy and devise a long-term action plan for emission reduction.
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Aladom's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Aladom's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Aladom, a French online platform that connects users to a variety of services, was seeking a simple and effective solution to conduct their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) report. The company wanted to evaluate the impact of digital technology on their carbon footprint. The challenge was to accurately measure their GHG emissions to structure their environmental policy and devise an action plan for long-term emission reduction. Aladom was committed to acting for a more responsible digital world and a better future, but needed a reliable tool to quantify their emissions and guide their sustainability efforts.
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Equativ's Climate Commitment: A Comprehensive Carbon Assessment with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Equativ's Climate Commitment: A Comprehensive Carbon Assessment with Greenly
Equativ, an independent advertising technology company, was faced with the challenge of understanding and reducing its carbon footprint in the face of growing concerns about climate change and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company wanted to take concrete climate action and limit its identified emissions. Equativ was also keen to attract top talent, reassure partners about their carbon footprint, and lead in an industry working to reduce the environmental impact of each ad campaign created. However, the company lacked the necessary tools and expertise to accurately measure and reduce its carbon emissions.
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Ecologie Urbaine's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Ecologie Urbaine's Journey to Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Ecologie Urbaine & Citoyenne, an agency specializing in the ecological transition of territories and cities, was seeking a simple and effective solution to conduct their first Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment. The agency recognized the need to measure their carbon footprint to structure their environmental policy and devise an action plan for long-term emission reduction. However, they faced the challenge of finding a reliable and user-friendly tool to measure their GHG emissions. The assessment needed to consider not only direct and energy-related emissions (Scope 1 & 2) but also indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3).
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Eiffel Investment Group's Carbon Reduction Efforts with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Eiffel Investment Group's Carbon Reduction Efforts with Greenly
Eiffel Investment Group, an independent asset management company specializing in corporate finance, was faced with the challenge of reducing its carbon emissions. The company's ambition is to support the companies it finances in major transitions, whether economic, social, or environmental. As part of this ambition, Eiffel introduced a pack to support companies in their major social and environmental transitions. One of the components of this pack was to offer companies a greenhouse gas emissions assessment, so they could become aware of their impact and draw up an action plan to reduce this impact on the environment. However, Eiffel Investment Group needed a solution that was pragmatic, automated a large part of the process, and provided readable information to help companies establish concrete action plans to reduce their carbon footprint.
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Détecnet's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Détecnet's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Détecnet, a private investigation agency specializing in strategic data retrieval, was seeking a straightforward solution to conduct their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment. The company wanted to contribute to the fight against climate change and understood the importance of measuring their carbon emissions as a first step towards reducing them. However, they needed a tool that could help them quantify their carbon footprint accurately and efficiently. The challenge was not only to account for direct and energy-related emissions (Scope 1 & 2) but also to consider indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3).
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Crewdle's Carbon Assessment and Commitment to Climate Sustainability - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Crewdle's Carbon Assessment and Commitment to Climate Sustainability
Crewdle, a technology company, was committed to reducing its environmental footprint to the minimum. The company wanted to partner with like-minded companies and complete a carbon assessment to understand its carbon emissions better. The challenge was to identify the areas where the company was contributing to carbon emissions and find ways to offset the emissions they could not eliminate. The company was also keen on creating sustainable products and needed a clear understanding of their carbon footprint to achieve this goal.
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Horizon Software's Carbon Footprint Reduction with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Horizon Software's Carbon Footprint Reduction with Greenly
Horizon Software, a global software company with over 100 customers across 26 countries, was facing challenges in measuring and reducing its carbon footprint. The company, which is a pioneer in the financial markets industry, was keen on integrating social and environmental objectives into its business model and operations. As part of its commitment to its employees, suppliers, and customers, Horizon Software was seeking to obtain B Corp certification, which requires the implementation of good practices adapted to the company's sector of activity. However, the company was struggling with the first and most important step of any issue in a company - measuring and defining it. Horizon Software had already initiated a few projects on recycling, building insulation, bicycle bonuses, etc., but it wanted to go further in a pragmatic way with the CO2 equivalent indicator.
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Ikone's Journey Towards Net Zero Emissions with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Ikone's Journey Towards Net Zero Emissions with Greenly
Ikone, a company specializing in the design, development, and customization of textiles for companies and organizations, was looking to measure and reduce its carbon footprint. Despite having only 15 employees, the company was not driven by legal obligations but by a voluntary and transparent Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach. The textile industry, being the second most polluting industry globally, has significant social and environmental impacts throughout the production chain. Ikone, as a player in this market, recognized its share of responsibility and aimed to act beyond legal constraints. The company's challenge was to accurately measure its carbon impact and structure an environmental policy to reduce emissions in the long term.
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Invovix's Climate Commitment: A Case Study of Greenly's Carbon Assessment - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Invovix's Climate Commitment: A Case Study of Greenly's Carbon Assessment
Invivox, a Bordeaux-based start-up, has developed a platform for connecting doctors, surgeons, and specialists for training courses. The company organizes travel for medical professionals to learn new surgical techniques and innovative approaches. However, Invivox recognized the need to reconcile the three pillars of sustainable development: the environment, the economy, and society. The company believed that health and medico-social institutions are major players in sustainable development, and the links between environment and health are significant and integral. Therefore, Invivox decided to carry out a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment to understand its carbon footprint and take appropriate action. The company found that the purchase of services represented the majority of its carbon footprint.
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Inovie Labosud's Journey Towards Net Zero with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Inovie Labosud's Journey Towards Net Zero with Greenly
Inovie Labosud, a group of Medical Biology Laboratories, was seeking a simple method to conduct their first Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment. The company wanted to measure its carbon footprint to structure its environmental policy and devise a long-term action plan to reduce emissions. The challenge was to account for not only direct and energy-related emissions (Scope 1 & 2) but also indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3). The company's carbon footprint in 2021 was 19275t CO2e, with transportation accounting for 66% of emissions, fixed assets 15.1%, and purchase of services 9.1%. Inovie Labosud aimed to reduce its CO2 emissions by 5% by 2024, in line with the Paris Agreement's objectives to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.
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HelloAsso's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
HelloAsso's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
HelloAsso, a French platform for associations, clubs, foundations, and unions, was keen on understanding and reducing its carbon footprint. The company had always prioritized environmental issues and had joined the Leaders For Climate Action program in 2020. However, they realized that to effectively reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, they first needed to measure them. This led them to the decision of conducting their first GHG assessment. The challenge was not only to calculate the emissions but also to involve the entire business in the process of reducing them. They aimed to understand the impact of digital technology on their carbon emissions and to draw an action plan for long-term emission reduction.
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Foodvisor's Commitment to Reducing CO2 Emissions: A Case Study - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Foodvisor's Commitment to Reducing CO2 Emissions: A Case Study
Foodvisor, a mobile nutrition tracking application, was faced with the challenge of its significant carbon footprint. The company's primary source of emissions was its servers, which were responsible for 42% of its total carbon emissions. The process of users sending photos of their meals to the servers for analysis also contributed significantly to the company's carbon footprint. The founders, driven by personal conviction, were keen to understand and reduce the impact of their company's activities on the environment. They were particularly interested in the carbon impact of their digital operations, which they identified as a major area of focus.
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Fashion Data's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
Fashion Data's Journey Towards Carbon Neutrality with Greenly
Fashion Data, a company that uses data intelligence to improve the economic and environmental performance of fashion brands, was keenly aware of its environmental responsibilities. The company wanted to make a concrete commitment to the climate by assessing its carbon emissions. However, before they could reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, they needed to measure them and identify their main emission factors. This would allow them to understand their impact and structure their environmental approach to reduce emissions in the long term. The challenge was to find a simple, intuitive, and recognized solution to measure their carbon footprint.
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France Invest's Climate Change Combat with Greenly's IoT Solution - Greenly Industrial IoT Case Study
France Invest's Climate Change Combat with Greenly's IoT Solution
France Invest, an association dedicated to promoting private equity in France, was seeking to conduct a simple Greenhouse Gas (GHG) assessment to understand their carbon footprint. The organization recognized the need to measure their GHG emissions as a first step towards reducing them. They aimed to structure their environmental policy better and devise an action plan for long-term emission reduction. The challenge was to find a solution that was not only efficient and intuitive but also quick in delivering results. The carbon footprint calculation needed to consider not just direct and energy-related emissions (Scope 1 & 2) but also indirect emissions caused by service providers and services used by the company (Scope 3).
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