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Omni Dallas Hotel Uses Trumpia for Employee Communication during Crisis - Trumpia Industrial IoT Case Study
Omni Dallas Hotel Uses Trumpia for Employee Communication during Crisis
Omni Dallas Hotel, a luxury hotel with over 650 employees, was in search of an effective way to communicate with their associates about parking logistics. However, when a tragedy struck the Dallas Police Department within close vicinity of the hotel, the need for immediate communication with employees became paramount. The hotel needed to inform its employees about the safety of the hotel and provide them with updates about the situation.
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Zacks Investment in Trumpia Pays Dividends - Trumpia Industrial IoT Case Study
Zacks Investment in Trumpia Pays Dividends
Zacks Investment Research was looking for a way to complement their email strategy for distributing their stock tips. Knowing the capability of sms to offer attention-grabbing messages wherever their customers go, Zacks looked for an SMS API capable of scaling to a massive amount of texts.
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100K Opportunities Initiative - Trumpia Industrial IoT Case Study
100K Opportunities Initiative
The Chicago 100,000 Opportunities Initiative was founded with the goal of finding underserved kids in the community good jobs. However, reaching these kids about job opportunities was a significant challenge. The Initiative had a team of interns committed to making a difference in their community, and they were tasked with finding a strategy that could reach the most number of kids.
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