Trumpia Case Studies Zacks Investment in Trumpia Pays Dividends
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Zacks Investment in Trumpia Pays Dividends

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Finance & Insurance
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
System Integration
Zacks Investment Research was looking for a way to complement their email strategy for distributing their stock tips. Knowing the capability of sms to offer attention-grabbing messages wherever their customers go, Zacks looked for an SMS API capable of scaling to a massive amount of texts.
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Zacks Investment Research, a stock research firm, provides stock tips and recommendations to their customers. Previously, they solely used email to alert subscribers of stock they were bullish and bearish on. But with Trumpia's SMS API, Zacks was able to incorporate Trumpia's SMS capabilities with their existing messaging software to more effectively deliver stock advice.
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Zacks Investment Research seamlessly integrated Trumpia's SMS API into their system. Using Trumpia's SMS capabilities, Zacks was able to send over 30,000 texts in a month, or about 1,500 texts every work day. With texts, Zacks could send tips through a more attention grabbing and immediate channel, letting customers take timely action on moving stocks. Also, their newfound two-pronged approach essentially doubles their reach, and lets Zacks ensure their advice is seen no matter what device their customer is on.
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Zacks could send tips through a more attention grabbing and immediate channel, letting customers take timely action on moving stocks.
Their newfound two-pronged approach essentially doubles their reach, and lets Zacks ensure their advice is seen no matter what device their customer is on.
Able to send over 30,000 texts in a month
About 1,500 texts every work day
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