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DataRobot offers a Machine Learning platform for data scientists of all skill levels to build and deploy accurate predictive models in a fraction of the time it used to take. The technology addresses the critical shortage of data scientists by changing the speed and economics of predictive analytics.The DataRobot platform uses massively parallel processing to train and evaluate 1000's of models in R, Python, Spark MLlib, H2O and other open-source libraries. It searches through millions of possible combinations of algorithms, pre-processing steps, features, transformations, and tuning parameters to deliver the best models for your dataset and prediction target. The DataRobot platform evaluates hundreds of cutting-edge Machine Learning algorithms to discover, deploy, and customize the best Machine Learning models for every situation. It also delivers the most accurate insights at scale, providing the fastest path to Data Science success for organizations of all sizes. DataRobot was founded in June 2012 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
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Automated Machine Learning
Automate the creation of advanced Machine Learning models that incorporate our world-class Data Science expertise.

Automated Time Series
Automate the development of sophisticated time series models that predict the future values of a data series based on its history and trend. Organizations of all sizes will improve forecasts for sales volume, product demand by SKU, staffing, inventory, and a host of financial applications.

Delivering the capabilities that Data Science and IT Ops teams need to work together to deploy, monitor, and manage Machine Learning models in production.
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Accenture, Aegon, Deloitte, Havard Business School, Panasonic, Lenovo, United Airlines
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DataRobot is a provider of Industrial IoT infrastructure as a service (iaas), platform as a service (paas), and analytics and modeling technologies, and also active in the finance and insurance, healthcare and hospitals, oil and gas, retail, and security and public safety industries.
Analytics & Modeling
Machine Learning
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Predictive Analytics
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Hybrid Cloud
Private Cloud
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Data Management Platforms
Use Cases
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Predictive Maintenance
Discrete Manufacturing
Product Research & Development
Finance & Insurance
Healthcare & Hospitals
Oil & Gas
Security & Public Safety
Data Science Services
DataRobot’s Technology Stack maps DataRobot’s participation in the infrastructure as a service (iaas), platform as a service (paas), and analytics and modeling IoT technology stack.
  • Application Layer
  • Functional Applications
  • Cloud Layer
  • Platform as a Service
    Infrastructure as a Service
  • Edge Layer
  • Automation & Control
    Processors & Edge Intelligence
  • Devices Layer
  • Robots
  • Supporting Technologies
  • Analytics & Modeling
    Application Infrastructure & Middleware
    Cybersecurity & Privacy
    Networks & Connectivity
Technological Capability
Number of Case Studies53
Demystifying Data Science: A Case Study on DemystData and DataRobot
DemystData, a New York-based software company, is dedicated to demystifying data for its clients, particularly financial institutions. Despite the increasing use of data in the financial sector, it is still heavily underutilized, leading to business decisions being made based on suboptimal or incomplete data. DemystData aims to close this gap by providing clients with access to new and more data. However, as datasets grow larger and data sources become more varied, the complexity increases, leading to more time-consuming work for the limited pool of data science resources at the company. The challenge was to manage this increasing complexity and workload without compromising the quality of data analysis and insights.
Accelerates Data Discovery, Testing, and Deployment
As datasets get bigger and data sources more varied, complexity increases and work processes become more time-consuming. Demyst clients need help identifying which external data attributes are predictive in marketing, risk, and portfolio management use cases across the vast ocean of external data.
84.51° Enhances Personalized Shopping Experience for Kroger Shoppers with DataRobot
84.51°, a retail data science, insights, and media company, was faced with the challenge of creating more personalized and valuable experiences for shoppers across the path to purchase. This included the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to activation, retention, and beyond. The company's goal was to leverage 1st-party retail data from over 62 million U.S. households to fuel a more customer-centric journey. However, the sheer volume of data and the complexity of creating personalized experiences for such a large customer base presented a significant challenge. The company needed a solution that would enable better production, deployment, and interpretation of data science models to meet its objectives.
Number of Similar Suppliers5
C3 IoT
C3 IoT
C3 IoT provides a full-stack IoT development platform (PaaS) that enables the rapid design, development, and deployment of even the largest-scale big data / IoT applications that leverage telemetry, elastic Cloud Computing, analytics, and Machine Learning to apply the power of predictive analytics to any business value chain. C3 IoT also provides a family of turn-key SaaS IoT applications including Predictive Maintenance, fraud detection, sensor network health, supply chain optimization, investment planning, and customer engagement. Customers can use pre-built C3 IoT applications, adapt those applications using the platform’s toolset, or build custom applications using C3 IoT’s Platform as a Service.Year founded: 2009
QBurst is a full-service software solutions provider that works with clients to maximize the effectiveness of their business through the adoption of digital technology.
Teksun Inc 
Teksun Inc 
Teksun Inc provides complete, end-to-end product development services, guiding you through the entire product development process from concept through commercialization, Teksun’s niche expertise of 100% in-house design and development includes IoT, AI/ML, Embedded Hardware, Firmware, Cloud Architecture, & Big Data products.Teksun develops highly innovative products and services which support the ongoing digitization of your enterprise mission.
Alteryx, Inc. was formed in 2011 and is a leader in self-service Data Science and analytics. Alteryx provides analysts with the unique ability to easily prep, blend and analyze all of their data using a repeatable workflow, then deploy and share analytics at scale for deeper insights in hours, not weeks.Analysts love the Alteryx Analytics platform because they can connect to and cleanse data from data warehouses, cloud applications, spreadsheets and other sources, easily join this data together, then perform analytics – predictive, statistical and spatial – using the same intuitive user interface, without writing any code.
InData Labs
InData Labs
InData Labs’ mission is to help clients rocket their competitiveness and get brilliant results of their work unseen before. As a Data Science firm with AI-powered solutions provider with its own R&D center, InData Labs helps businesses of all sizes all over the world to get valuable insights into data, automate repetitive tasks, enhance performance, add AI-driven features, and prevent cost overruns.
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