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AssetWorks delivers industry-leading business solutions to help asset- and infrastructure-intensive organizations control capital and operating expenditures, reduce operational complexity, and manage regulatory and policy-driven risk. Leveraging a comprehensive portfolio of software and consulting solutions, we help organizations work more efficiently by improving access to shared asset data, promoting greater transparency across the organization, improving service delivery, maximizing asset availability and uptime and reducing total cost of ownership.

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AssetWorks’s Technology Stack maps AssetWorks’s participation in the IoT technology stack.
  • Application Layer
  • Functional Applications
  • Cloud Layer
  • Platform as a Service
    Infrastructure as a Service
  • Edge Layer
  • Automation & Control
    Processors & Edge Intelligence
  • Devices Layer
  • Robots
  • Supporting Technologies
  • Analytics & Modeling
    Application Infrastructure & Middleware
    Cybersecurity & Privacy
    Networks & Connectivity
Technological Capability
Number of Case Studies14
NYC Fleet Uses Business Intelligence to Tackle Fleet Traffic Crashes with Vision Zero
New York City, under the leadership of Mayor Bill de Blasio, launched the Vision Zero Action Plan to combat traffic-related deaths. In 2013, the year before de Blasio was elected mayor, there were 183 pedestrians killed in traffic crashes, the highest number since 2003. The City Fleet, which covers over 29,000 vehicles, needed a highly accurate way to track collision metrics. The metrics tracked include citywide collisions by fleet agency, collisions with injuries, pedestrian injuries, fatalities, collisions by geographic location, and collisions with both moving and non-moving objects. Other important fleet pieces tracked are internal, such as whether or not employees have completed defensive driving courses, state inspections, completed and overdue preventive maintenance, fleet roster and the installation of truck sideguards.
A Day in the Life Of… A Fleet/Fuel Systems Administrator
Chuck Wolverton, the Fleet/Fuel Systems Administrator for the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), is responsible for ensuring the data entry for their fleet and fuel systems is accurate and up to date. He oversees the use of AssetWorks FleetFocus and FuelFocus software, which help monitor preventive maintenance, vehicle mileage, fuel usage and more. However, the job is intensive and data-entry oriented, and many people underestimate the amount of work that goes into operating and maintaining a fleet/fuel system. The challenge is to keep the entire process running smoothly and efficiently, while also reporting KPIs through easy-to-use Dashboards.
How the East Bay Municipal Utility District Saves Time and Space with Customized Motor Pool Management
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) operated two motor pool lots without an automated system in place. One motor pool used a physical punch clock, while the other used an online form for checking out a pool vehicle. Because this process was manual, pool vehicles could only be reserved in four or eight hour intervals, even if the vehicle was only needed for a shorter period of time. This resulted in inefficiency and labor intensiveness.
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