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6 use cases
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Building Energy Management
Building energy management systems (BEMS) are integrated computerized systems to monitor and control a building's energy usage.
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Intelligent Urban Water Supply Management
Intelligent Urban Water Supply Management uses IoT gateways to securely connect the water supply asset (e.g. pressurizing pumps) to the cloud service platform where advanced analytics are applied to the operational data communicated from the assets.
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Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) provide knowledge by delivering precise visibility of critical assets, supply chain, manufacturing, and human, in real-time.
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Smart City Operations
Smart city operations include the range of solutions required to enable smart city concepts by integrating information and communication technology with senors and connected devices to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services.
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Structural Health Monitoring
Structural health monitoring solutions ensure the safety and soundness of engineering structures such as a buildings and bridges.
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Track & Trace of Assets
Track and trace systems provide real-time or periodic updates for the current and historical locations of containers, vehicles, or other property.
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