Use Cases Transportation Real-Time Location System (RTLS)

Real-Time Location System (RTLS)

Real Time Locating Systems (RTLS) provide knowledge by delivering precise visibility of critical assets, supply chain, manufacturing, and human, in real-time. For transportation and logistics enterprises, this knowledge means having end-to-end visibility and Traceability of all Containers, pallets, and packages. For manufacturers, it enables intelligent management and flow of all critical assets, whether in the facility or at a sprawling storage yard. Under security and safety operations, it means controlling employee access and ensuring they do not linger in hazardous areas beyond safety requirements.RTLS or indoor positioning systems (IPS) can be simply described as GPS on steroids but used indoors for the purpose of Tracking, locating and monitoring the activity of people and things. It is used in healthcare, manufacturing, smart warehouses, hospitality, education, and other industries for the purpose of maximizing workflow efficiency, safety, wayfinding, and inventory and asset control and has been proven to deliver significant return on investment (ROI).

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Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp is committed to responsible mining practices and maintaining maximum safety for its workers. At the same time, the firm is constantly exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, extend the life of its assets, and control costs. Goldcorp needed technology that can maximize production efficiency by tracking all mining operations, keep employees safe with remote operations and monitoring of hazardous work areas and control production costs through better asset and site management.
Nova Scotia Power Inc. - GPS Functionality
Nova Scotia Power Inc. - GPS Functionality
On the Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI) GIS Connectivity Project, field personnel travel on foot and by vehicle gathering data about asset locations and customer connectivity across the entire electrical distribution infrastructure. However, NSPI could not cover the company's extensive field operations. NSPI needed a secure mobile GIS solution that offered remote data transfer directly to its ARC GIS server software, without requiring additional travel and manual syncing.
Simeco Streamlines Teka Oven Line Assembly with RFID
Simeco is the manufacturer of Teka premium cooking appliances.  Teka strives to combine quality, convenience and efficiency in everything they do, to achieve the best solution for its customers.  The joint effort to provide “meaningful experiences” for their customers begins at Simeco’s 24,000 square meter manufacturing facility, which has the capacity to build 500,000 units a year, on its six production lines. It is at this site where the company manages the materials used for assembly, the assembly process itself, and also constantly seeks ways to improve efficiency and eliminate errors.As part of that effort, Simeco wanted a technology-based solution that would automatically monitor the receipt and consumption of materials, as well as the work taking place on its production lines, and automatically detect and prevent any errors in the testing and control processes.The company wanted the technology not only to bring real time visibility into its product processes, it wanted a way to manage the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) as well.Simeco needed an automated system to be able to detect and identify when an error could be made in mounting components, as well as provide support for assembly workers by displaying relevant instructions on the assembly floor. The technology also needed to be able to capture analytical data so the company could continue to improve its processes.Litum’s UHF RFID solution automatically tracks a tagged component or unit as it moves through assembly. With location and status data from the solution, the software can provide contextualized information to those on the assembly floor and to managers overseeing processes, historically as well as in real time.To ensure the technology would meet the company’s needs, Litum customized the solution, thereby reducing costs. One example was the engineering of the tags themselves: Litum worked with Simeco to develop a reusable tag, thereby increasing sustainability and reducing cost. The reusable tags, attached and detached with a specialized assisting tool, uniquely identify a component, and can be detached and reused on subsequent assembly processes.Litum also specially designed the middleware to integrate with the brand's existing manufacturing system. The result is a software platform known as the Simeco Traceability Software.

The RTLS market is expected to grow from USD 3.19 billion in 2018 to USD 8.79 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 22.5% between 2018 and 2023.

Source: marketsandmarkets

What is the business value of this IoT use case and how is it measured?
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What are the business applications of RTLS?

Fleet tracking: Fleet-tracking RTLS systems make it possible for an enterprise to track vehicle location and speed, optimize routes, schedule jobs, aid navigation and analyze driver efficiency.

- Navigation: The most basic navigation services provide directions for how to get from Point A to Point B. Incorporating GPS, mapping and mobile cellular technology will enable more complex navigation services.

- Inventory and asset tracking: RFID technologies are widely used for asset and inventory tracking. RFID tags communicate wirelessly with RFID readers throughout the enterprise.

- Personnel tracking: systems that track field workers are typically GPS-enabled mobile phones. On-site personnel tracking systems often use RFID technology, such as RFID-enabled badges.

- Network security: Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) can limit the physical area from which a user can connect to restrict access based on the user's location.

Why is important RTLS in your business?

- Reduce search time for misplaced assets: RTLS allows users to view the precise location of assets and eliminate time-consuming manual searches and audits. 

- Reduce equipment movement: real-time enterprise visibility minimizes the need for equipment relocation.

-  Improve audits and recover lost property: with real-time, online auditing of assets, workers can locate equipment quickly. If equipment leaves a defined area, RTLS automatically triggers an alert.

-  Inventory and warehouse management: automate inventory control, pick and put-away location, shipping lane verification, and data entry tasks, while providing opportunities for faster time-to-delivery and elevated customer service.

- Inbound and outbound logistics: track the most demanding, variable warehouse and operations assets as they move throughout a facility, yard, or industrial complex. The result is higher efficiency of physical storage areas and equipment.

- Transportation Management: plan and control inbound and outbound truck, car, rail, and vessel movement with constraint validation, sequencing tools, and stowage validation. 

- Capture disparate data: ERP systems integrated with middleware that read any set of auto-ID technologies (RTLS, bar code, RFID, etc.), can quickly capture events, filter, and map disparate data. 

- Improve cycle time: track items and personnel, in detail, as they move through zones and processes. 

- Create return on investment opportunities: timely knowledge of asset movements helps expedite tasks and transactions, enabling accurate forecasting and improving asset value while reducing the order-to-cash cycle.

-  Improve safety and security: RTLS enables low latency alarms, it extends asset visibility out to 1,750 meters (far beyond the abilities of passive RFID) and the optimal RTLS platform integrates hardware and software with existing BI and ERP solutions to help enterprises align their strategies cross-functionally.


Who is involved in purchasing decisions, and who are the primary system users?
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Facility Managers: Facility managers benefit from RTLS by gaining real-time insights into asset location and movement within their facilities. This enables them to optimize space utilization, streamline workflows, and identify opportunities for process improvement.

Operations Managers: Operations managers rely on RTLS data to optimize resource allocation, monitor workflow efficiency, and identify bottlenecks in production or logistics processes. Real-time visibility into asset location allows them to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to changing operational conditions.

Which technologies are used in a system and what are the critical technology?
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What are the most common technologies currently used in RTLS?

GPS: offers strong solutions when objects are on the move outside. However, much of the asset movement is conducted indoors, rendering GPS nearly useless.

RFID: passive RFID solutions which use tags and barcodes only work within a very short range with expensive readers, making them ineffective for active tracking purposes. 

UWB: the technology uses high-bandwidth radio communications which offer the best-in-class location accuracy (up to 10 cm), but is also the most expensive one.

WiFi: in WiFi-based RTLS, the tag actually has a WiFi radio in it that transfers data out to multiple access points throughout a building or area.  This technology may be a good fit if the needed accuracy does not go below 5-6 meters.

Bluetooth: due to the widespread adaptation of the Bluetooth standard, BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy) beacons are therefore cheaper and easier to integrate into other systems and everyday devices than alternative solutions and provides the flexibility required to adapt the solutions to every part of the business’ operations.


What data is obtained by the system and what are the critical data management decision points?
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How the location data is received with RTLS?

With RTLS technology, location data is received from devices (location transmitters) attached to ceilings or walls and transmitted via Wi-Fi through active asset tags for equipment and wearables for people (tags, badges). The location data is then accessed in a variety of ways including via cloud-based application program interfaces (API), mobile apps, integrated CRM software, etc.


What business, integration, or regulatory challenges could impact deployment?
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Hardware Installation: Deploying RTLS requires installing sensors, antennas, and tags in strategic locations throughout the facility or environment. These hardware components capture location data and transmit it to the RTLS software platform for processing and analysis.

Software Integration: Integrating RTLS software with existing enterprise systems, such as asset management software or ERP systems, enables seamless data exchange and interoperability. This integration ensures that RTLS data is accessible to stakeholders and can be used to support decision-making processes.

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