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Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future - Cisco Industrial IoT Case Study
Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp is committed to responsible mining practices and maintaining maximum safety for its workers. At the same time, the firm is constantly exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, extend the life of its assets, and control costs. Goldcorp needed technology that can maximize production efficiency by tracking all mining operations, keep employees safe with remote operations and monitoring of hazardous work areas and control production costs through better asset and site management.
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AirPrime Modules Improves Vehicle Gateway Communication System - Sierra Wireless Industrial IoT Case Study
AirPrime Modules Improves Vehicle Gateway Communication System
Icomera’s systems have been in daily operation since 2003, enabling thousands of commuters to make efficient use of their traveling time with consistent mobile internet access. To continue improving the bandwidth capabilities and reliability of its products, Icomera decided to incorporate 3G cellular connectivity support to take advantage of the unmatched data transfer speeds and pervasive UMTS network coverage throughout Europe.
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Nova Scotia Power Inc. - GPS Functionality - BlackBerry Industrial IoT Case Study
Nova Scotia Power Inc. - GPS Functionality
On the Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI) GIS Connectivity Project, field personnel travel on foot and by vehicle gathering data about asset locations and customer connectivity across the entire electrical distribution infrastructure. However, NSPI could not cover the company's extensive field operations. NSPI needed a secure mobile GIS solution that offered remote data transfer directly to its ARC GIS server software, without requiring additional travel and manual syncing.
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