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Dell's Transformation of PRISM Inventory System with SingleStore for Real-Time Business Operations - MemSQL Industrial IoT Case Study
Dell's Transformation of PRISM Inventory System with SingleStore for Real-Time Business Operations
Dell Technologies, a global enterprise, was facing challenges with its existing inventory and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, Glovia. The system provided batch data updates with reports available every 30 minutes and was not integrated with Dell’s supply chain systems. This led to data disconnects and inefficiencies, which were not suitable for a fast-paced global enterprise. Glovia's reporting queries were consuming too much compute power, and its storage needs were rapidly increasing due to the requirement of storing substantial amounts of historical data for audit purposes. Dell needed to modernize its PRISM system and move from batch data updates to real-time streaming reports. The goal was to create a real-time inventory application with the speed and scale to meet the needs of the business within a year.
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