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Robinsons Squash'd: A Case Study in IoT Marketing Strategy - Iris Industrial IoT Case Study
Robinsons Squash'd: A Case Study in IoT Marketing Strategy
Robinsons SQUASH'D, a new, ultra-concentrated and portable cordial, was introduced to the market with the aim of providing adults with a convenient way to enjoy squash anywhere. The challenge was to create a marketing strategy that would not only celebrate the great taste of Robinsons on the go, but also inspire people to get outside and enjoy squash in new and interesting ways. The company needed to create a buzz around the product and encourage consumers to engage with the brand in a unique and exciting manner. The goal was to create a new category in the market and establish Robinsons as the dominant player in this category.
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Amazon's Global Learning Platform: A Case Study on - Iris Industrial IoT Case Study
Amazon's Global Learning Platform: A Case Study on
In 2019, Amazon sought to develop and launch a new global learning platform, The challenge was to leverage Amazon's well-established online reputation and influence in the offline world. The platform was intended to engage directly with retail staff, providing them with the necessary tools to guide their customers confidently in-store. The platform needed to include deep dive customer scenarios based on real-life encounters, detailed product information, quizzes, and gamified learning. The goal was to encourage online participation and generate excitement about the products being sold. Iris, the agency appointed by Amazon, was responsible for the design and build of the platform, content creation, translation, and ongoing maintenance.
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