Information Builders Case Studies WebFOCUS Streamlines Fundraising for UNC Charlotte Foundation
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WebFOCUS Streamlines Fundraising for UNC Charlotte Foundation

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Business Operation
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
System Integration
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC) Foundation, Division of University Advancement, is responsible for fundraising and managing all aspects of donations. The foundation faced challenges in tracking all the information about donations, contributors, and fundraising programs. The IT staff needed to supply donors and university executives with detailed information on donation amounts, contributors, progress toward objectives, fund disbursements, and more. The existing system was inefficient, with requests for new reports having a ten-day minimum turnaround. The foundation needed a solution that could provide more accurate and timely information about fundraising and donors to university leaders and relieve the IT group from creating custom reports.
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The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC) is an urban research university with more than 90,000 living alumni and adds 4,000 to 4,500 new alumni each year. Many of those alumni, along with other community members, contribute funds to the university in the form of gifts. The UNC Charlotte Foundation, Division of University Advancement, is charged with reaching out to the alumni and community to raise funds for the university and with managing all aspects of donations. The foundation has a staff of 11 IT professionals who are responsible for supplying donors and university executives with detailed information on donation amounts, contributors, progress toward objectives, fund disbursements, and more.
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The university engaged Information Builders Professional Services to create an operational data store that feeds a series of WebFOCUS dashboards. This data integration and integrity solution improves data quality as it copies production data from the university’s Banner ERP system to an Oracle database set up for reporting. They also created parameterized reports that let people filter the data by date range, geography, and other variables. The dashboards display information via easy-to-read graphs that identify precise metrics such as total contributions, contributions by college, and contributions by project. Geographic displays make it easy to see where the most generous donors reside. Users can drill down into the numbers to uncover granular details about donors.
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Better information has led to more targeted financial projections and outreach.
Performance metrics make the staff more proactive and effective in fundraising efforts.
The dashboards have led to huge improvements in reporting efficiency, cutting the time required to access data from 30 minutes to 20 seconds.
The amount of requests for reports has skyrocketed because now people know they can get accurate information in a timely manner.
The time required to access data has been cut from 30 minutes to 20 seconds.
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