Information Builders Case Studies WebFOCUS Improves Visibility Into Crime Statistics for Michigan State Police
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WebFOCUS Improves Visibility Into Crime Statistics for Michigan State Police

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Security & Public Safety
Business Operation
Public Warning & Emergency Response
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
The Michigan State Police Department (MSPD) was facing a challenge in accessing vital criminal, incident, and activity data from a variety of disparate sources. The department wanted to make it easier and more consistent for commanders and other headquarters staff to access this information. The data was inconsistently retrieved and analyzed across the department, with some users relying on Crystal Reports, others on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. The department wanted to promote uniformity in what information was accessed and how it was viewed and compared.
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The Michigan State Police Department is a law enforcement agency with more than 1,000 officers. Founded in 1917, the MSPD today consists of a modern-day force of more than 1,000 law enforcement professionals using the latest up-to-date training and technology to protect citizens across the state. With a mission to provide the highest quality law enforcement and public safety with a highly-trained, full-service staff that is mobile, flexible, and responsive to emerging needs, the Michigan State Police has evolved into one of the leading police agencies in the U.S.
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The MSPD leveraged Information Builders’ solutions, including the Law Enforcement Analytics (LEA) package. LEA serves as the foundation of an intuitive dashboard that allows their commanders to track crime and enforcement statistics statewide, by district or by post, map crimes and crashes, in near realtime, manage key performance metrics for trooper activity and crime clearance against department and Field Services Bureau goals, and identify the probability of traffic crashes to proactively protect dangerous intersections and roadways. The MSPD is using Information Builders’ integration capabilities to gather and consolidate needed information, which includes crime details obtained by local police agencies across the state and data entered into mobile computers by troopers in the field.
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Improved ability to track crime statistics and trends, and manage progress towards key metrics.
Greater consistency when comparing activity data of troopers.
Promotion of uniformity in what information is accessed and how it is viewed and compared.
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