Information Builders Case Studies WebFOCUS Helps Lutheran Life Boost Productivity and Manage Costs
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WebFOCUS Helps Lutheran Life Boost Productivity and Manage Costs

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Inventory Management
Predictive Maintenance
Data Science Services
Lutheran Life Communities, a non-profit senior living organization, was facing administrative challenges due to its rapid growth. The company's data was spread across seven disparate information systems, making it difficult for directors and department heads to obtain a unified view of the business and access the information they required to support day-to-day decision-making. The company sought a business analytics solution that could consolidate information about daily operations and present it to business users in an actionable way.
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Lutheran Life Communities is a non-profit senior living organization established in 1892. The organization has grown rapidly in the twenty-first century and now comprises six continuing care retirement communities serving thousands of people across Illinois, Indiana, and Florida. The swift growth of the organization has delivered numerous benefits to community residents, but it also introduced significant administrative challenges for company leaders. The company's data was spread across multiple systems, making it difficult to obtain a unified view of the business and access the information required to support day-to-day decision-making.
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Lutheran Life Communities deployed WebFOCUS to create an environment that tracks operational metrics related to census, labor, revenue, and dining. The metrics are displayed as key performance indicators (KPIs) in domain-specific reports and dashboards. These BI assets keep everyone from finance officers to nurse-managers apprised of important developments within their purview. WebFOCUS can combine data from these and other information systems to create cohesive reports that allow drill-downs by location, level of care, and payer source. WebFOCUS analytic templates make it easy to define the KPIs and embed them into customizable reports and dashboards. All metrics are standardized and accessible from a single location so that senior managers can easily oversee the entire operation.
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WebFOCUS helps the company effectively manage foodservice costs, physician relationships, productivity, and more. Managers can monitor daily metrics, set clear goals, and create strategies for attaining those goals.
WebFOCUS delivers measurable benefits to Lutheran Life. For example, it helps managers in the dining and culinary department adjust food orders to meet fluctuating demand. Being able to accurately calculate the amount of food that is required at each facility reduces waste and improves the bottom line.
Labor and benefits, which represent 55 percent of the business, are now managed more effectively because managers no longer need to wait until the end of a time period to get information. Being able to see the daily metrics helps them to set short- and long-term goals and then monitor performance to attain those goals.
Predicted a 10 percent increase in labor productivity over the next year.
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