Information Builders Case Studies WebFOCUS Drives Efficiency and Global Expansion at ClaimsPro
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WebFOCUS Drives Efficiency and Global Expansion at ClaimsPro

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Root Cause Analysis & Diagnosis
ClaimsPro, Canada’s leading independent adjusting company, was in the midst of rapid international expansion and wanted to enhance operations through improved measurement and monitoring of key activities. However, the company’s managers were forced to rely on the IT team to build reports for them from scratch. This process was time-consuming and inefficient. The company needed a business intelligence (BI) solution that would allow non-technical users to satisfy their own information needs and provide managers with the ability to track vital metrics, such as revenue, work in progress, and quality assurance.
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ClaimsPro is Canada’s leading independent adjusting company. Since 1986, the organization, a sub-division of SCM Insurance Services, has been managing claims on behalf of the country’s largest insurers and self-insured corporations. They help their clients to investigate incidents, assess the value of damages, detect and prevent fraud, and more. With more than 1,000 employees, ClaimsPro operates in more than 110 branches located across Canada. The company is in the midst of rapid international expansion and wanted to enhance operations through improved measurement and monitoring of key activities.
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ClaimsPro chose the WebFOCUS BI platform from Information Builders to create a comprehensive, yet user-friendly dashboard that provides managers with the ability to track vital metrics, such as revenue, work in progress, and quality assurance, and drill down to more detailed data to investigate problems. Information Builders solutions were leveraged to build and deploy a dashboard for in-depth claims reporting. First, iWay DataMigrator was employed to move information from the company’s SQL Server-based production systems into a Microsoft Analysis Service cube and a SQL Server repository. More than two million records are transferred to the repositories on a weekly basis, and over ten million records are migrated each month. WebFOCUS Developer Studio was then used to design and build the dashboard, which retrieves information from the repositories and displays it for end users. Information Builders’ Customer Education department provided training to Mudryk and his team, empowering them with the skills they needed to set up and roll out the new environment in a short timeframe.
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Increased visibility into claims activity has increased efficiency.
The WebFOCUS dashboard includes a Call to Action chart that provides a single, consolidated, highly visual view of critical operations, and facilitates feedback between various managerial levels, including branch and district managers, as well as business unit leaders.
Dynamic color-coding allows managers to see exactly where improvement may be needed, while the ability to leave comments allows managers to effectively collaborate to understand root causes, find solutions, and ensure accountability.
More than two million records are transferred to the repositories on a weekly basis, and over ten million records are migrated each month.
Over the next six months, ClaimsPro will roll out the dashboard to an additional 950 users, including direct producers and business analysts.
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