Information Builders Case Studies WebFOCUS Business User Edition Smooths Treatment Coordination for Autism Service Providers
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WebFOCUS Business User Edition Smooths Treatment Coordination for Autism Service Providers

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Quality Assurance
Predictive Maintenance
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) was facing a challenge with the increasing amount of data from tens of thousands of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) sessions per month. The therapists were manually entering treatment notes and progress updates into Excel spreadsheets. As the amount of data and total number of therapy hours increased, it became more difficult to generate progress reports. The organization had a pressing need for operational analytics to maximize the service each patient receives. The operations team at each center was tasked with matching patient and therapist availability to ensure that every patient receives the full amount of their medically necessary treatment. This was a difficult task that required constant monitoring of treatment utilization data.
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The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) is one of the largest autism treatment organizations in the world. It helps children with autism communicate, develop friendships, and lead happy, healthy lives. Its therapists conduct tens of thousands of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) sessions per month, which yields an enormous amount of data to deal with on a daily basis. CARD’s therapeutic organization is structured into clinical teams that include three-to-five therapists and one clinical supervisor. The operations team at each center is tasked with matching patient and therapist availability to ensure that every patient receives the full amount of their medically necessary treatment.
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CARD implemented WebFOCUS Business User Edition (BUE) to automate the data collection and reporting processes. The software allows operations managers, schedulers, and therapists to easily visualize data and monitor the progress of each patient. It enables them to accurately track the treatment hours of each child and share up-to-the-minute information with clinical supervisors, operation managers, and schedulers. CARD uses the software to visualize and drill into the data to see where problems lie, as well as to figure out what’s working, what’s not working, and why. The organization also plans to use WebFOCUS to map patients to particular regions so they can make sure they are matched with the right therapists. This will minimize the number of hours therapists spend in transit between patient visits.
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Operations staff can accurately track the progress of each child.
Supervisors can share up-to-the-minute information with clients, doctors, therapists, and families.
CARD ensures that children with autism get the treatment they are funded for, helping to maximize outcomes.
The data collection and reporting processes that sometimes took months can now be processed and visualized much more easily.
Saving even one minute every hour adds up to many hours of additional therapy across the team – which means more time available to treat patients.
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