Blueprint Software Systems Case Studies US-Based Insurance Provider Digitizes Their Process Design Document to Save 75% in Documentation Overhead and Scale RPA
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US-Based Insurance Provider Digitizes Their Process Design Document to Save 75% in Documentation Overhead and Scale RPA

Blueprint Software Systems
Analytics & Modeling - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Process Control & Optimization
Regulatory Compliance Monitoring
Software Design & Engineering Services
The insurance provider was mandated to move from their current process of using BRD/FSD documents to PDD documents to define automated processes, which is only available as a word document. On average, it took a full working day to finalize a PDD and even then, they struggled to get process screenshots in line with steps. The screenshots, which were critical for improving developer understanding of what was required, would show up as attachments at the end which was not useful because the developers still would have to flip back and forth through the documents. They quickly realized that their current documentation processes were flawed and prone to error, necessitating a more scalable way to translate business process requirements into technical requirements for their RPA development teams.
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Founded in 2002, this US-based insurance company provides managed care services for government-sponsored health care programs, focusing on Medicaid and Medicare. They also offer health plans for families, children, and the aged, blind, and disabled, as well as prescription drug plans. The company has over 12,000 employees and generates an annual revenue of $20 billion. They have been a customer since 2016.
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The insurance provider began working with Blueprint to leverage Digital Blueprints which contain everything needed to deliver a precise guide to bot developers including detailed process flows, functional and non-functional requirements, user stories, compliance and regulatory requirements, and both functional and acceptance tests among other critical information that can be instantly referenced. Since all critical information could be automatically generated or was stored in Blueprint’s central repository and merely needed to be connected to the process, stakeholders were able to compile Digital Blueprints in 2 hours instead of 8. Key aspects of the Enterprise Automation Suite that drove automation success include the Business Process Modeler, Impact Explorer, Reviews & Approvals, and Digital Blueprints. The automation team leveraged Digital Blueprints that contain detailed process flows, functional and non-functional requirements, user stories, compliance and regulatory requirements, and both functional and acceptance tests among other critical information. Their Digital Blueprints were automatically pushed into the RPA tool they used for developers to reference and guide precise development.
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The automation team was able to capture, connect, design, and optimize business processes to be aligned with organizational strategy, regulatory obligations, and automation objectives.
Teams leveraged trace relationships and the impact analyzer to make change management easier.
With reviews and approvals built into the process, supervisors are now spending less time revising work and employees are spending more time on value-add tasks.
75% Reduction in documentation overhead
30% Time savings on RPA development
30% Lower bot maintenance
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