Google Case Studies TechSmith explores Data-Driven Attribution to uncover Display impact and opportunities
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TechSmith explores Data-Driven Attribution to uncover Display impact and opportunities

Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
TechSmith, a software company based in Okemos, Michigan, develops a variety of applications designed to narrow communication gaps through images, videos, online hosting, and remote usability testing. Online advertising is a key lead source for them, and they have used Google’s advertising tools over the years. TechSmith understood the importance of display advertising and its broad reach allowed them to find new customers who were previously unfamiliar with their products. However, they felt they were underestimating the impact of display using a Last Interaction Attribution model. TechSmith wanted a way to quantify Display’s effectiveness throughout the conversion funnel.
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TechSmith Corporation is a software company based in Okemos, Michigan. The company develops a variety of applications designed to narrow communication gaps through images, videos, online hosting, and remote usability testing. TechSmith's products, such as Snagit and Camtasia, make it easy to create compelling, polished content that can be shared with anyone. The company provides its services to over 180 countries around the world. Online advertising is a key lead source for TechSmith, and they have used Google’s advertising tools over the years to reach new customers.
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TechSmith used the new Data-Driven Attribution (DDA) model in Google Analytics Premium to accurately credit campaign interactions. This model was used to apply reattributed Cost Per Acquisition’s (CPA’s) into budgeting and bidding decisions. Using the integrated reporting capabilities of Google Analytics, TechSmith saw an opportunity for strengthening their display campaigns. The ability to compare a Last Interaction Attribution directly with DataDriven Attribution was a big advantage in contrasting performance, and understanding differences in valuation. When comparing the current Last click measurement to the new DataDriven model, TechSmith identified a 9% increase in associated Display conversions.
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TechSmith identified a 9% increase in associated Display conversions when comparing the current Last click measurement to the new DataDriven model.
A 24% increase in cost saw a 19% increase in attributed conversions under the new Data-Driven model.
Last Interaction saw a 15% increase in conversions, to a comparable time period before the change was made.
19% increase in Display attributed conversions, with 24% of additional channel spend.
For a Display campaign, using Data-Driven Attribution revealed a +7% more in conversions when compared to Last Interaction Attribution model.
While progressing on the yield curve, Display CPA remained below non-brand paid search CPA.
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