Iris Case Studies Suzuki's Innovative IoT Marketing Strategy for Gogglebox Season 13
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Suzuki's Innovative IoT Marketing Strategy for Gogglebox Season 13

Sales & Marketing
Suzuki, a renowned automobile manufacturer, was faced with the challenge of familiarizing the Channel 4 audience with their latest Swift range during the 13th season of Gogglebox. The company wanted to leverage the popularity of the show to reach a wider audience and create a buzz around their new product. The challenge was to create a series of light-hearted idents in the traditional Gogglebox style that would resonate with the audience and effectively highlight the features of the Swift range. Following the success of these idents, Suzuki set a new challenge to create a fresh batch of idents for the Celebrity edition of the show.
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The customer in this case study is Suzuki, a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan. Suzuki is one of the world's leading automobile manufacturers, known for producing a wide range of vehicles, from compact cars to SUVs. The company is committed to providing quality products that meet the diverse needs and lifestyles of people worldwide. For this project, Suzuki aimed to promote their latest Swift range to the Channel 4 audience during the 13th season of Gogglebox, a popular television show. They sought to leverage the show's popularity to reach a wider audience and create a buzz around their new product.
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The solution involved creating a series of idents that followed the concept used for Season 13, with two people sitting on a park bench discussing the Suzuki Swift as if they were in their living rooms discussing TV. This time, however, the idents were given a twist with the addition of well-known celebrities, Joey Essex and Debbie McGee. They playfully highlighted the features of the Suzuki Swift in a series of 15, 10, and 5-second spots. Additionally, content was created to run across social media platforms, with Joey and Debbie playing off different sporting and cultural events during the show. The idents were aired on Channel 4 alongside the new season of Celebrity Gogglebox and were rotated throughout the series.
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The operational results of this marketing strategy were significant. The use of well-known celebrities in the idents added a touch of glamour and intrigue, effectively capturing the attention of the audience. The playful highlighting of the Suzuki Swift's features in the idents, coupled with the social media content, created a buzz around the product. The idents were aired alongside the new season of Celebrity Gogglebox, ensuring maximum visibility for the product. This innovative marketing strategy not only familiarized the Channel 4 audience with the Swift range but also reinforced Suzuki's brand image as a creative and customer-centric automobile manufacturer.
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