Nintex Case Studies Streamlining Complex Processes for Improved Community Service: A Case Study on New Zealand Fire Services
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Streamlining Complex Processes for Improved Community Service: A Case Study on New Zealand Fire Services

Analytics & Modeling - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Cybersecurity & Privacy - Security Compliance
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Leasing Finance Automation
Material Handling Automation
The New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS), an organization with 450 stations and up to 8,000 full-time and volunteer staff, was struggling with manual, paper-based processes that were causing errors and delays in their operations. The management of critical information was a significant issue as documents and essential data were being routed by hand for input and approvals, then stored by a variety of people on a wide range of network drives, on computers and in physical locations. This system was not only inefficient but also siloed, making it difficult to manage, share, organize, and access life-saving information. The need for workflow automation had become both a necessity and a priority for the organization.
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The New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) is a government organization in New Zealand that comprises 450 stations and up to 8,000 full-time and volunteer staff. The organization responds to emergencies and dedicates a significant amount of resources to preventing fires through education programs, community outreach efforts, and working with building owners. However, they were struggling with manual, paper-based processes that were causing errors and delays in their operations, making it difficult to manage, share, organize, and access life-saving information.
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To address these challenges, NZFS partnered with Provoke Solutions, a world leader in online development, cloud strategy execution, and user experience design. Together, they implemented a solution based on Nintex Workflow for SharePoint, a workflow designer that enhances business processes and offers fast ROI. Nintex allowed NZFS to automate highly complex, time-consuming workflows. It integrated with SharePoint, enabling all employees to go to a central repository to access any task that requires action. By creating highly structured, customized workflows, NZFS was able to tightly control document and task organization, approvals, regulatory compliance, accuracy, accessibility, and deadline delivery. Now, action tasks are delivered to employees through email, and they can go to just one place to get any document or instructions they need.
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The implementation of Nintex Workflow for SharePoint has significantly streamlined NZFS's everyday tasks. Employees now receive action tasks through email and can access any document or instructions they need from a central repository, eliminating the need to search through different network drives. This has not only improved the efficiency and accuracy of their operations but also enhanced their ability to comply with regulations. The organization now has better accountability, elevated quality of fire investigations, and improved regulatory compliance.
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