Information Builders Case Studies State of California Deploys WebFOCUS
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State of California Deploys WebFOCUS

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
The California Department of Health Services (DHS) was facing a challenge in making it easier for program managers to stay on budget by accelerating access to critical financial data. The department was using a variety of software applications to help managers stay on budget. However, the speed at which users could get the information they needed and react was not satisfactory. The department was using the California State Accounting and Reporting System (CALSTARS) – a mainframe accounting system developed in the early 1980s. CALSTARS is a powerful and comprehensive system, but its limited reporting functionality made it difficult for budget managers to obtain specific information when they needed it most. The department wanted to enhance its support services to keep up with the growth of the state.
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The California Department of Health Services (DHS), with over 5,000 employees, is one of the largest departments in the state’s government. The department is responsible for administering a variety of programs that keep residents safe and healthy. These programs are related to issues such as AIDS, drinking water quality, food and drug inspections, and other programs that keep Californians healthy and safe. Program managers need to complete those missions, and they must make decisions about how to spend state budgets at every step along the way.
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The California DHS deployed Information Builders technology to deliver a real-time view of financial data directly to the desktops of more than 5,000 DHS employees. The Web-based solution includes an expenditure forecast reporting system that allows program managers to project end-of-fiscal-year balances so they can avoid overspending. They used iWay technology to create several ETL processes for accessing VSAM, Adabas, and sequential flat files, transforming it into the correct format, and loading it into a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database structured for reporting. The development team also created two WebFOCUS applications to report against the data: the CALSTARS Online Reporting Environment (CORE) and the Expenditure Forecast Reporting System (EFR).
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Users can instantly access financial data needed to accomplish directives.
Managers can forecast results of monthly expenditures to get an accurate prediction of year-end balances.
Accounting professionals can obtain month-end reports one week sooner than before.
The department has saved an estimated $1 million in paper and printing costs alone.
The improved efficiency of thousands of state employees is considered as an over-all savings.
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