Google Case Studies SFMOMA Chooses Google Analytics and Masters the Art of Metrics
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SFMOMA Chooses Google Analytics and Masters the Art of Metrics

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) was one of the first museums to launch an institutional website. Their primary goal was to develop rich, dynamic content that engages visitors and keeps them coming back to the website as well as the physical museum. SFMOMA’s website receives nearly four times the number of visits than the physical museum. Providing compelling digital content that visitors want was as critical as hosting popular exhibitions. SFMOMA had been using another web analytics tool, but suspected an issue with accuracy. They were unable to monitor the usage of key investments in the website - such as audio, video, and specialized content. Finally, e-commerce tracking had not been installed properly, and so they were not measuring revenue or product sales from the online store.
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The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is a dynamic center for modern and contemporary art. In 1995, it was one of the first museums to launch an institutional website. offers a fluid space of exploration in which visitors can easily navigate an online collection of over 9,000 artworks and a rich archive of audio and video content. The site also has an online store and a detailed calendar of exhibitions and events. Their primary goal was to develop rich, dynamic content that engages visitors and keeps them coming back to the website as well as the physical museum.
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E-Nor helped SFMOMA connect key business objectives to a robust web analytics strategy, and recommended Google Analytics as the best solution for their needs. SFMOMA’s objectives were to get deep insights on content consumption, collect e-commerce data, and measure their online marketing campaigns in order to calculate their ROI. E-Nor determined that their old tool was double-counting visitors whenever they crossed SFMOMA’s domains and sub-domains, so they customized the Google Analytics tracking code to prevent that miscalculation. They also edited the implementation to deliver simple, clear reports on which content categories were most popular. They used Event Tracking to measure audio/video media engagement, allowing them to track the usage of specific types of content. Finally, they set up e-commerce tracking and goals to capture all valuable actions that could be taken on the website.
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Increased measurement accuracy by 15% - enabling true data driven decisions
Deep insights into user engagement with content now drive site optimization decisions
Able to correlate the most popular exhibitions for each marketing campaign
15% gain in traffic accuracy
Clear insights on content consumption
Effective measurement of online marketing campaigns
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