Nintex Case Studies Saving 70% of Operational Costs with Intelligent Process Automation at FRDC
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Saving 70% of Operational Costs with Intelligent Process Automation at FRDC

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Event-Driven Application
Life Sciences
Product Research & Development
Inventory Management
Time Sensitive Networking
System Integration
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) in Australia, a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and the fishing industry, was facing a significant challenge with its funding application process. The process was managed by a bespoke tool built by a local software developer, which was not only slow but also prohibitively expensive for even minor changes. The FRDC, which plays a crucial role in the sustainability of Australia’s oceans, needed a more efficient and cost-effective way to manage and track the high number of research funding applications it received. The existing system was rigid and expensive, and the stakeholders were looking for an innovative and dynamic solution that would allow users to quickly make changes without excessive coding.
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The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) is a co-funded partnership between the Australian Government and the fishing industry. It plays a significant role in the sustainability of Australia’s oceans, rich with wildlife. FRDC primarily administers research grants to enable data-driven decisions and strategic management of Australia’s natural resources. A significant portion of FRDC’s funding is directed at research that benefits the three sectors of the fishing industry: commercial (wild catch and aquaculture), recreational, and indigenous. The FRDC was in need of a more efficient and cost-effective way to manage and track the high number of research funding applications it received.
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FRDC chose Nintex K2 Five as their solution after considering several local and international options. Nintex K2 Five was selected for its built-in forms technology, low-code functionality, and its ability to integrate out-of-the-box with existing systems like SQL, SharePoint, and Microsoft CRM. FRDC used Nintex K2 Five to build an external user manager and an online portal that allowed candidates to better manage their own applications, thereby reducing the corporation's responsibility. The new system enabled FRDC to meet its six-month deadline for the entire process overhaul, a feat that a similar organization using different software was unable to achieve. The solution also provided opportunities for the internal team to make system modifications on their own timeline and at no outside cost.
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The implementation of Nintex K2 Five at FRDC has significantly improved the user experience and increased productivity. It has also minimized the time and resources needed from FRDC’s internal staff to oversee grants from the granular level. The management and administration of the application process have been streamlined, and less effort on integrity checks is now needed from the internal FRDC team. The solution has freed up employees from menial, administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on furthering FRDC’s mission with high-value initiatives. The transformation has also allowed the internal team to make its own system modifications on its own timeline and at no outside cost.
70% Savings in operational costs in the first year
45% Ongoing annual savings in operational costs
50% Increase in user adoption in the first few weeks
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