Iris Case Studies Revolutionizing Sports Marketing: The GLITCH Case Study
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Revolutionizing Sports Marketing: The GLITCH Case Study

Consumer Goods
Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
The traditional process of launching a product, particularly in the sports industry, has become predictable and repetitive. The standard football boot launch, for instance, has been executed in the same manner countless times. This monotony was a challenge that needed to be addressed. The GLITCH campaign aimed to break this pattern by involving consumers in the product development process from the very beginning. In October 2015, a group of London kids, who were also adidas consumers, were gathered in conceptual workshops. Over the following months, they worked closely with the kids and adidas to evolve and refine what would become 'GLITCH'. The challenge was to create a product that was not only innovative but also consumer-driven.
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The customers in this case study were a group of London kids who were also adidas consumers. They were involved in the product development process from the very beginning, participating in conceptual workshops and providing feedback on prototype boots. They remained involved throughout the process, with regular Consumer Validation Sessions taking place. The customers were also part of the GLITCH community pre-launch and were instrumental in creating content for the campaign. They had exclusive access to the GLITCH boots via an app, which they could unlock using community invite codes.
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The solution was to involve consumers in every part of the campaign, from the product concept, name, product design, and service proposition. By April 2016, the kids were wearing, testing, and providing feedback on prototype boots. This was a stark contrast to the standard product development process, which is usually top secret and kept away from consumers. The kids remained involved throughout, with regular Consumer Validation Sessions taking place. In addition to fostering the GLITCH community pre-launch, the campaign partnered with London players to create content. GLITCH boots were made available only via an exclusive app, unlocked by community invite codes. Consumers could order their Starter Pack, receive it within 4 hours in the London area, and play in the boots the same day. If they were not convinced, they could return them within 14 days, worn, and get a full refund.
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The GLITCH campaign completely transformed the approach to launching a new product. By involving consumers in the product development process from the very beginning, the campaign was able to create a product that was not only innovative but also consumer-driven. This approach fostered a sense of community among the consumers and allowed for real-time feedback and improvements. The campaign also partnered with London players to create content, further enhancing the consumer-driven approach. The GLITCH boots were made available exclusively via an app, providing a unique and exclusive experience for the consumers. This approach helped to build a startup within adidas with the edgy adaptability of the product itself.
GLITCH won a Gold Cannes Lions 2017 award
GLITCH won a Silver Clio Sports Award for Innovation
GLITCH won a Silver Clio Sports Award for App
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