Iris Case Studies Revolutionizing Aerospace Services with IoT: A Case Study on United Technologies
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Revolutionizing Aerospace Services with IoT: A Case Study on United Technologies

Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Indoor Positioning Systems
Predictive Maintenance
United Technologies' aerospace division was on the brink of introducing groundbreaking enhancements to their service offerings. The modifications, repairs, and upgrades of their aftermarket services were revamped, and a new predictive maintenance platform was added to the mix. This new paradigm represented a significant launch opportunity with a unique position, name, and look, all set to debut at an industry trade show in Spring 2018 (MRO Americas). The challenge was to position these new services distinctively while ensuring they still aligned with the company's overarching brand. The team also needed to create a unique identity for the predictive analytics software, which was a crucial part of the new service offering.
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United Technologies is a renowned company in the aerospace industry. The company is known for its innovative approach to providing solutions in the sector. The aerospace division of United Technologies is particularly recognized for its aftermarket services, which include modifications, repairs, and upgrades. The division was on the verge of launching a revolutionary enhancement to their service offerings, including a new predictive maintenance platform. This new addition was set to redefine the company's position in the market and offer a unique value proposition to its customers.
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The team began with positioning workshops to derive the service offering’s Passionate Purpose, which was then incorporated into messaging, naming, creative, and launch campaign. The positioning statement 'intelligent aircraft, intelligent action, intelligent partner,' was chosen to emphasize the concept of intelligence, which competitors were not focusing on. This concept of intelligence was associated with intuition and the power to sense problems in advance. Consequently, the service offering was named 'FlightSense,' and the predictive analytics software was named 'Ascentia,' symbolizing a personified entity at the heart of FlightSense's intelligence. Starting with positioning and naming gave the team a significant head start when they moved into creative concepting for the launch campaign. This approach ensured a seamless transition into brochure, presentation, social, video, and trade show signage.
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The operational results of this project were significant. The team's strategic approach to positioning and naming the new service offerings ensured a seamless transition into the creative concepting for the launch campaign. This approach not only helped in creating a distinct identity for the new services but also ensured that they aligned with the company's overarching brand. The concept of 'intelligence' was successfully incorporated into the service offering, setting United Technologies apart from its competitors. The naming of the service offering as 'FlightSense' and the predictive analytics software as 'Ascentia' further emphasized this unique positioning. The successful launch of these services at the industry trade show in Spring 2018 marked a significant milestone for United Technologies' aerospace division.
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