Trumpia Case Studies Pointburst: Text-to-Vote Campaign for TEDxOrangeCoast Conference
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Pointburst: Text-to-Vote Campaign for TEDxOrangeCoast Conference

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
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Software Design & Engineering Services
TEDx is a non-profit company that organizes multiple conferences every year with the purpose of presenting 'Ideas Worth Spreading'. During their TEDxOrangeCoast Annual Conference, PointBurst was hired to run their Teen Challenge event in which six teams presented their 'Ideas Worth Doing' in front of an audience of about 20,000 people. PointBurst needed a way for the audience to be able to vote on which presentation they liked the best. Specifically, they were looking for a software that could collect and analyze votes instantly, so they didn’t have to keep their audience waiting for an excessive amount of time before announcing the winners.
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PointBurst is a social media management platform that specializes in helping businesses create and maintain a strong social media presence. They particularly cater their services towards musical artists/bands, B2C companies, and faith-based organizations. With Trumpia, PointBurst has been able to run successful text-to-vote campaigns for the Teen Challenge at the TEDxOrangeCoast Annual Conference.
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PointBurst found what they needed in Trumpia. Using Trumpia's platform, they created a different keyword for each team at the competition. Then at the event, audience members voted for their favorite presentation by texting their corresponding keyword. Trumpia kept track of the results in real time, so there was no delay in announcing the winner. With Trumpia, PointBurst was able to run successful text-to-vote campaigns for the Teen Challenge at the TEDxOrangeCoast Annual Conference.
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PointBurst was able to run successful text-to-vote campaigns for the Teen Challenge at the TEDxOrangeCoast Annual Conference.
Trumpia kept track of the results in real time, so there was no delay in announcing the winner.
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