Google Case Studies On the Beach uses attribution to gain increased sales and 25% growth in ROI
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On the Beach uses attribution to gain increased sales and 25% growth in ROI

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
On the Beach, a leading UK travel agency, was looking to drive increased sales and grow their business online. They offer value for money flights and hotels to the world’s most popular beach holiday destinations, providing consumers with a huge selection of travel products, including 50 million airplane seats and more than 30,000 hotels. In a highly competitive market, On the Beach wanted to ensure that its search campaign was optimised for return on investment. The company does not run any TV advertising, so generic (non-brand) search is crucial for introducing the brand to the buying public. However, the value of generic search can be difficult to measure when using a ‘last click wins’ attribution model.
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On the Beach is a leading UK travel agency that carries over 750,000 passengers yearly. The company offers value for money flights and hotels to the world’s most popular beach holiday destinations. They provide consumers with a huge selection of travel products, including 50 million airplane seats and more than 30,000 hotels. On the Beach operates in a highly competitive market and does not run any TV advertising, making generic (non-brand) search crucial for introducing the brand to the buying public.
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On the Beach worked with Google to uncover the true value of search using attribution modelling. This process assigns credit to different consumer interactions, such as display or search clicks that take place prior to a sale or lead. Using AdWords Search Funnels and Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels, multiple attribution models were tested to see the impact on sales. After completing analysis across each model, On the Beach found the model that best suited its business requirements. This allowed the company to split the credit for each sale across numerous click points, rather than just first or last click. On the Beach found that their generic search was undervalued under last click reporting, a discovery that allowed the company to build a custom attribution model and increase budget on generic campaigns.
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On the Beach was able to increase traffic from generic keywords.
The company experienced growth in market share.
The custom attribution model helped drive a higher volume of site traffic, holiday sales and market share in the travel sector.
On the Beach saw a 25% uplift in ROI.
The company managed to deliver impressive sales growth between Q1 and Q2 of 2012.
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