Google Case Studies Nissan Motor Company gains deep insights into users’ product preferences with Google Analytics e-commerce
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Nissan Motor Company gains deep insights into users’ product preferences with Google Analytics e-commerce

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
Nissan Motor Company, a global automotive company, wanted to gain a deeper understanding of their audience's product preferences to make informed decisions about serving demand in local markets. They own a network of websites worldwide that help consumers decide which Nissan vehicle they'd like to purchase. On these sites, visitors can explore products and services, download localized versions of promotional materials, and submit a reservation for a test drive. However, Nissan wanted to access much greater detail, such as users' preferences according to car type, model, and color, to measure more information about each inquiry within their Google Analytics reports and make better decisions about the allocation of inventory in local markets.
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Nissan Motor Company is a Japanese automotive company with a worldwide presence. They own a network of websites across the world that helps consumers decide which Nissan vehicle they’d like to purchase. On these sites, visitors can explore products and services, download localized versions of promotional materials, and submit a reservation for taking a test drive. Nissan wanted to access much greater detail about their customers' preferences to enable them to measure more information about each inquiry within their Google Analytics reports and to make better decisions about the allocation of inventory in local markets.
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Nissan implemented Google Analytics' e-commerce tracking functionality, a powerful measurement tool for online merchants, to track their non-e-commerce activity. When a visitor requests a test drive or brochure, they are prompted to complete a form that includes not only contact details but also the vehicle they are interested in, including category, model, and color. Nissan places an e-commerce tag on the 'thank you' page that follows the user's completion of a brochure or test drive request form, enabling the product preference information to be captured. By analyzing the resulting reports, Nissan's Global Marketing Strategy Division can understand which vehicles are in demand and make decisions tailored for each local market. These insights have enabled quick decision-making on critical business activities as well as facilitating website optimization.
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Nissan's Global Marketing Strategy Division can understand which vehicles are in demand, and can make decisions tailored for each local market.
These insights have enabled quick decision-making on critical business activities as well as facilitating website optimization.
Nissan has been able to decentralize access to their different market operations. While the Global Marketing Strategy Division can quickly check results from the world, each country manager can also check his or her own result at one view to quickly assess the popularity of models for a specific region.
Custom reports allow Nissan to easily perceive complex information in one view, dramatically reducing the time to summarize multiple reports, document the findings, and share this within the organization.
Google Analytics gives Nissan access to timely information, which enables more accurate decision making that has a real effect on the company’s bottom line.
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