Information Builders Case Studies Michigan State Police Unifies Data and Amplifies View Into Criminal Activity
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Michigan State Police Unifies Data and Amplifies View Into Criminal Activity

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Database Management & Storage
Security & Public Safety
Business Operation
Logistics & Transportation
Predictive Maintenance
Public Warning & Emergency Response
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Software Design & Engineering Services
System Integration
Michigan State Police (MSP) faced the challenge of accessing vital criminal, incident, and activity data from a variety of disparate sources and disseminating it to patrol officers, detectives, investigators, commanders, and other headquarters staff. The data management platform of MSP extends information to 142 local law enforcement agencies, facilitating collaboration across the state of Michigan. However, with a diversity of data coming from multiple real-time sources and databases, the analysts and detectives couldn’t directly access all the data. This was due to the lack of a consistent and accurate way to match people across systems, as well as to cleanse and enhance the data. The results were sometimes missing key data points, which meant that important information, such as concealed weapons permits and domestic violence reports, were not available when patrol officers needed them.
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Michigan State Police (MSP) is a law enforcement agency founded in 1917. It has more than 2,900 employees and 1,500 officers. Its mission is to provide the highest-quality law enforcement and public safety-services throughout Michigan. MSP’s data management platform extends information to 142 local law enforcement agencies, facilitating collaboration across the state of Michigan. According to Captain David Kelly, commander of the Intelligence Operations Division at the Michigan State Police, it’s the first state agency in the nation to have a unified platform that combines data integration, data quality, and master data management (MDM). MSP consists of approximately 1,500 law enforcement professionals, all of whom depend on current information to protect citizens across the state. The police force uses Information Builders technology to provide knowledgeable and responsive services to Michigan citizens, while supporting law enforcement and promoting safety across the state.
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MSP implemented Information Builders’ WebFOCUS business intelligence (BI) and analytics platform to improve critical law enforcement processes and ensure the accuracy and reliability of its data. WebFOCUS serves as the analytical foundation for dashboards that give the colonel, executive council, commanders, and other headquarters staff instant snapshots of the areas they oversee. Users monitor what’s going on with their troopers, review crime rates by type, determine where traffic accidents are happening, and much more. Hundreds of people use the system each day to review crime data, trends, and statistics, as well as to track key metrics. A new master data hub will make integrated, cleansed data available from multiple agencies, providing the department not only with historic insight, but also with predictive analytics capabilities that help deter crimes and traffic accidents. MSP used Information Builders’ Magnify technology to create the MI-Intel Search tool, enabling troopers and detectives to query all the major MSP data sources by person, address, and many other variables. Officers sort through result categories and drill into pertinent information when responding to service calls, or during an investigation. Omni-Gen enables developers to quickly configure data quality templates rather than build a data model from scratch, accelerating the process of creating consistent or “golden” records.
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Better tools to track crime statistics, monitor trends, and manage progress towards key metrics.
The department can work smarter and faster and reap the maximum reward from its BI and analytics investments.
Having centralized analytics has improved visibility into department performance and given officers the functionality they need to respond knowledgeably to incidents and make informed decisions.
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