Information Builders Case Studies Louisiana Department of Health Creates Unified Citizen Records With Omni-Gen
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Louisiana Department of Health Creates Unified Citizen Records With Omni-Gen

Information Builders
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Healthcare & Hospitals
Business Operation
Data Science Services
The Louisiana Department of Health was faced with the challenge of creating a data strategy that identifies and links all data elements associated with each citizen/recipient, healthcare provider, and location. The department wanted to improve data integrity, analysis, and reporting by creating standard processes for data storage, movement, cleansing, enrichment, and access. The department depends on an array of applications – legacy, custom, off-the-shelf, on-premises, and remotely hosted. Each application operates as a standalone system with its own set of business rules and data. Data sharing and reporting across systems is complex and difficult. System fragmentation drives up the cost of conducting business by reducing productivity and increasing technical maintenance efforts and activities.
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The Louisiana Department of Health is a state agency that protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive, and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana. The department is responsible for delivering critical services in a cohesive way, which involves uniting a diverse base of people, processes, systems, and agencies to maintain consistent citizen records, and to ensure that all information systems share accurate data. The department depends on an array of applications – legacy, custom, off-the-shelf, on-premises, and remotely hosted. Each application operates as a standalone system with its own set of business rules and data.
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The Louisiana Department of Health leveraged Information Builders’ Omni-Gen MDM technology to create an enterprise architecture that allows for the development of a universal repository of mastered data that all systems across all state agencies can share. The department selected Omni-Gen after an exacting request for proposal (RFP) process. They wanted an operational/transactional MDM system to support the following domains and entities: People/Clients/Recipients (more than three million records), Health Providers/Facilities/Partners/Vendors (more than 100,000 records), and Location/Facilities/Addresses. The MDM system had to be sufficiently scalable to support a dozen information systems, and comprehensive enough to address data modeling and metadata, hierarchy management, data quality management, data maintenance; and data stewardship. Furthermore, the department wanted to simplify data loading, integration and synchronization, business services and workflow; system architecture, security, and administration.
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Having a single view of the citizen helps state agencies deliver benefits, while minimizing fraud, improving security, and enhancing reporting.
The department was able to preserve its legacy investments and more fully use its portfolio of data and information assets.
The department was able to put together a 360-degree view of the citizen – allowing them to quickly see who is benefiting from state services.
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