Iris Case Studies Leveraging IoT for Subscription Pricing in Leisure Industry: A Case Study
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Leveraging IoT for Subscription Pricing in Leisure Industry: A Case Study

Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
A UK-based Private Equity firm with interests in the cinema industry was keen on understanding the role of loyalty programs, including an 'all-you-can-eat' subscription offer. However, they faced significant constraints on their resources, lacking access to sales data, internal staff information, or other marketing material. The firm also wanted to comprehend the impact of ticket pricing on driving footfall and optimizing revenue. The challenge was to gather relevant data and develop a strategy without access to internal resources or sales data.
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The client is a UK-based Private Equity firm with portfolio interests in the cinema industry. They were interested in understanding the role of loyalty programs, including an 'all-you-can-eat' subscription offer, in their business. The firm was also keen on understanding the impact of ticket pricing on driving footfall and optimizing revenue. However, they faced significant constraints on their resources, lacking access to sales data, internal staff information, or other marketing material. The firm sought the help of Iris, a data analysis and strategy development firm, to gather relevant data and develop a strategy.
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Iris, a data analysis and strategy development firm, executed a multi-phase project to address the client's needs. The first phase involved web scraping and data analysis. Iris partnered with a firm specializing in web scraping to gather pricing and sales information for a two-week period covering every screening time across major chains. They also identified factors likely to predict price differences, such as local income, population density, and nearest competitor. The second phase involved developing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy. Iris used digital intelligence, including social listening and website traffic analysis, to map social, search, and website behavior with events and pricing data, assess consumer sentiment through social channels, and analyze promotion trends versus competitors. The final phase was strategy development. Using their experience with loyalty and subscription-based pricing, Iris developed recommendations and a roadmap for the client. They developed strategy-driven loyalty offerings, including subscription-based pricing and identified gaps in existing loyalty offers. They also identified trends in the existing market for ticket pricing and opportunities to target 'Pay-As-You-Go' ticket prices for quick wins and longer-term considerations for an unlimited subscription model.
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The operational results of the project were significant. Iris was able to gather pricing and sales information for a two-week period covering every screening time across major chains, despite the client's lack of access to sales data. They also identified factors likely to predict price differences, such as local income, population density, and nearest competitor. Through digital intelligence, Iris was able to map social, search, and website behavior with events and pricing data, assess consumer sentiment through social channels, and analyze promotion trends versus competitors. This comprehensive data analysis and strategy development project enabled the client to understand the role of loyalty programs and ticket pricing in driving footfall and optimizing revenue. It also helped them identify gaps in their existing loyalty offers and trends in the existing market for ticket pricing, providing them with opportunities for quick wins and longer-term considerations for an unlimited subscription model.
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