Google Case Studies Jobs2Careers Doubles Conversions and Increases Workflow Efficiency Using Google Tag Manager
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Jobs2Careers Doubles Conversions and Increases Workflow Efficiency Using Google Tag Manager

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Professional Service
Sales & Marketing
Search & Rescue
System Integration
Jobs2Careers, a rapidly expanding job search engine, was facing challenges with its tag management system. The company was using AdWords campaigns to attract relevant users to its site, specifically targeting 35- to 54-year-old job seekers. However, whenever the company wanted to update campaigns with new creative content, it had to edit tags manually. This process required collaborative support from both the marketing and engineering teams, often leading to bottlenecks in workflow as one team would have to wait for the other to complete its part of the tag update. The company was in need of a better solution for tag management to streamline its efficiency and increase conversions.
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Jobs2Careers is a job search engine that provides applicants with easy access to everything from small jobs to big careers. The company is based in Austin, Texas and provides job seekers with free access to millions of available positions nationwide in one intuitive display. Named the second fastest-growing HR company by Inc., the brand uses a variety of innovative targeting techniques and proprietary search algorithms to connect job seekers with potential employers across professional, part-time, and gig channels. The company is focused on maintaining the type of growth that attracts millions of monthly job seekers to its site.
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Jobs2Careers turned to Google Tag Manager as a solution to its tagging challenges. Google Tag Manager allowed the company to create one universal tag for a campaign, which everyone on the team could then access and update in a timely and efficient manner. Several of Tag Manager’s features helped improve Jobs2Careers’s search campaigns by providing the agility to act fast and launch new tags at just the right time to increase ad relevancy. Tag templates, for example, can be easily customized for specific campaign creatives. Also, Tag Manager’s event-driven approach lets you set up rules for how different tags fire, depending on the channel (mobile, search, social) a consumer uses to land on the company’s website. Jobs2Careers created custom JavaScript tags so it could accurately track and edit creatives. With its AdWords campaigns, the company was able to determine the specific location of a user as well as the keywords used to access, which helped improve its Dynamic Remarketing metrics.
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Using Google Tag Manager, Jobs2Careers increased the productivity of its teams. The marketing group was freed from its dependence on engineering and subsequently, both teams were able to focus on other tasks.
With a more targeted approach to its search campaigns, the company also grew its conversions. In one specific lead-generation test, its conversion rate almost doubled.
Increased A/B testing conversions from 5.57% to 10.31%
Streamlined workflow across team
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