Information Builders Case Studies iWay Keeps Information Flowing for Mark Anthony Group
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iWay Keeps Information Flowing for Mark Anthony Group

Information Builders
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Food & Beverage
Logistics & Transportation
Sales & Marketing
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Visibility
System Integration
Mark Anthony Group, a leading alcoholic beverage company in Canada, was facing challenges in streamlining the flow of information governing order entry, warehouse management, billing, and shipping/receiving operations within the company and to external partners. The company wanted to extend enterprise resource planning (ERP) automation from headquarters to the warehouse to keep the entire workflow electronic. However, even after implementing Microsoft BizTalk Server to exchange communications across its extended organization, the ability to quickly and seamlessly share information between its ERP and customer relationship management (CRM) systems continued to pose quite a challenge.
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Mark Anthony Group, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and seller of wines and alcoholic beverages in the U.S. and Canada. Founded in 1972, the company is Canada’s leading privately owned importer and distributor of fine wine, premium beer, and specialty beverages. More than 15 million cases of alcoholic beverages pass through the company’s warehouse each year. The company primarily used manual processes and paper-based activities to track many warehouse transactions, both internally and with its trading partners.
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Mark Anthony Group deployed solutions from iWay Software to help streamline warehouse operations. iWay’s Business Process Automation (BPA) Suite automates internal workflows by passing XML documents between systems to control a wide array of mission-critical business activities. Additionally, iWay manages dynamic electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions with the organization’s manufacturing partners. iWay also includes enterprise information management (EIM) capabilities for evaluating, monitoring, and managing data quality. Based on predefined business rules, it can flag exceptions and spot inconsistencies. In the future, Mark Anthony Group plans to integrate iWay into the Samba direct messaging system that underlies the company’s ERP system. This integration will permit iWay to manage many additional business processes, both internally and with trading partners.
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Orders are processed up to 75 percent faster
Data quality has improved throughout the organization
Mark Anthony saves many hours of labor each week
Orders are processed up to 75 percent faster
Labor savings equivalent to one full-time employee
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