Aptean Case Studies Intuitive ERP Drives Success for Tube Tool Manufacturer
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Intuitive ERP Drives Success for Tube Tool Manufacturer

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Discrete Manufacturing
Manufacturing System Automation
System Integration
Elliott Tool Technologies, a company providing innovative tools for tubing installation, cleaning, plugging, testing, repair and removal, was struggling with an antiquated ERP system that did not support their business needs. They had no plant scheduling and an average on-time delivery record. Competitive pressures demanded more responsiveness and tighter controls. They had a lot of data but lacked business intelligence capabilities due to a proprietary database and programming language. The company knew things were out of control, but their systems were so bad that they couldn’t even measure how far off they were. They didn’t trust their KPIs and had lots of data but no information.
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Elliott Tool Technologies is a Dayton-based company that has been providing the industry with innovative tools to support tubing installation, cleaning, plugging, testing, repair and removal for more than 100 years. The company also manufactures metal finishing tools for burnishing, chamfering, deburring and mechanical joining. Elliott services over 7,000 customers with 36,000 different SKUs in 100+ countries. The company has 65 employees and serves the HVAC, Boiler, heavy industrial, petro-chemical, aerospace and automotive industries.
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In their search for a new ERP system, Elliott Tool Technologies determined that Intuitive ERP from Aptean offered flexibility, easy integration with their existing quoting system, and was built on Microsoft technology, so finding help and compatible resources wouldn’t be an issue. Most importantly, they found that Intuitive was powerful yet simple. The company easily met their 90-day implementation goal. The solution was much more than just a new computer system. Intuitive created a framework for re-engineering business processes and discipline. With help from Aptean’s expert consultants, Intuitive gave Elliott the tools and processes needed, and during the recession that started in 2008, it really paid off. Elliott integrated their new Intuitive ERP with an existing quoting system and will strengthen that integration in the near future. They plan to automate the conversion of quotes to orders to further reduce lead time and increase their ability to respond quickly to customer requests.
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Intuitive ERP created a framework for re-engineering business processes and discipline.
Elliott was able to gain market share by being more responsive than the competition, keeping delivery promises, and reducing lead time.
Elliott integrated their new Intuitive ERP with an existing quoting system and will strengthen that integration in the near future.
36% improvement in on-time shipping performance in first year while decreasing lead times by 50%.
18% margin improvement.
Market share growth during industry recession.
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