Google Case Studies How Sephora used Google Analytics 360 to Measure the Offline Impact of its Online Ads in Singapore
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How Sephora used Google Analytics 360 to Measure the Offline Impact of its Online Ads in Singapore

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Retail Store Automation
Data Science Services
Sephora, a beauty giant with 2,300 stores in more than 30 countries, including 17 stores in Singapore and Greater Southeast Asia, was facing a challenge in measuring the offline impact of its online ads. The brand's digital team was confident that its efforts were driving store visits, but it had no way to prove this. The complex decision-making journeys consumers make as they move between online and offline channels presented a unique set of challenges and opportunities for the brand. Sephora wanted to better understand the purchase journeys of its loyal customers and measure the full impact of its digital marketing investments.
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Sephora is a beauty giant founded in 1969. It operates 2,300 stores in more than 30 countries around the world, including 17 stores in Singapore and Greater Southeast Asia. The brand has a strong online presence and a customer loyalty program. Sephora's customers often hit several touchpoints throughout their purchase journeys. They might search for beauty products on their smartphones, watch product reviews or how-to videos on YouTube, or even go to a store to sample a product in person before making a purchase decision.
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Sephora turned to Google Analytics 360 to bridge the gap between online and offline customer journeys. The key was Sephora’s customer loyalty program. The brand worked with the Google account team to integrate and analyze data across in-store purchases and online transactions. Using Analytics 360, the team was able to see from a specific AdWords campaign level which loyalty members made purchases both on the Sephora website and at brick-and-mortar locations. These tools helped Sephora’s digital team identify a clear trend: 70% of customers who visited the Sephora website before buying in-store did so on the day of purchase. Additionally, more than half of these visitors were on mobile. This helped Sephora understand that measuring success based purely on online conversions on its website didn’t tell the full story. Rather, many consumers checked the website before making their way to the physical store to buy products.
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Sephora was able to integrate and analyze data across in-store purchases and online transactions.
The brand was able to identify a clear trend: 70% of customers who visited the Sephora website before buying in-store did so on the day of purchase.
More than half of these visitors were on mobile, indicating the importance of mobile in the customer journey.
3.9X higher Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
3X increase in conversion rates
13% uplift in average in-store order value (if customer visited the Sephora website less than one day prior to purchase)
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