Information Builders Case Studies Houston Community College Recruits WebFOCUS to Analyze Performance and Meet Public Funding Requirements
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Houston Community College Recruits WebFOCUS to Analyze Performance and Meet Public Funding Requirements

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
Business Operation
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Data Science Services
Houston Community College (HCC) is a public institution of higher education that serves about 75,000 students each semester. The college relies on public funding from state and local governments, which requires extensive reporting to document decisions, monitor enrollment trends, track student outcomes, and provide access to key performance indicators (KPIs). However, HCC was struggling to find an easy method of presenting academic performance information to its board members, administrators, and the public it serves. The college was looking for a business intelligence (BI) solution that could create an Academic Dashboard displaying current performance metrics through Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server as well as a public-facing website. The college also wanted to integrate disparate data sources into a cohesive data warehouse and provide administrators, staff, and board members with flexible BI solutions to drill into data.
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Houston Community College (HCC) is an open-admission, public institution of higher education that enrolls about 75,000 students each semester. Its campus includes six colleges spread out over 23 locations in and around Houston, Texas. As a community college, HCC relies on public funding from state and local governments, which requires a great deal of reporting to document decisions, monitor enrollment trends, track student outcomes, and provide access to key performance indicators (KPIs). The college was looking for a business intelligence (BI) solution that could create an Academic Dashboard displaying current performance metrics through Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server as well as a public-facing website.
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HCC selected Information Builders’ WebFOCUS business intelligence (BI) software to create an Academic Dashboard that displays current performance metrics through Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server as well as a public-facing website. The college used Information Builders’ iWay DataMigrator to create a data warehouse that merges data from enterprise applications such as PeopleSoft with survey data and various types of operational information, and loads it into one common environment. DataMigrator automatically extracts, transforms, loads, and then cleanses data as it is entered, and performs automatic updates so the warehouse is always current. WebFOCUS Open Portal Services ships with three WebParts for Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server, making integration to all BI content effortless. It includes support for internal and external levels of security, based on each user’s role within the organization. Depending on security configuration, WebParts may allow users to access, run, create, edit, schedule, and publish WebFOCUS content.
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The new BI system helps the college to document and evaluate decisions, measure enrollment, track outcomes, and provide access to key financial indicators.
It also facilitates communication between the board and top administrators.
College administrators, board members, and managerial staff use the Academic Dashboard to view performance data through interactive charts and graphs, improving efficiency and enhancing data quality efforts throughout the organization.
HCC purchased WebFOCUS and within two months had a working dashboard environment available to the staff, the board, and the general public.
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