Google Case Studies Google Attribution 360 uncovers new opportunities to drive success and sales
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Google Attribution 360 uncovers new opportunities to drive success and sales

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
Lenovo, a global leader in personal technology, was facing challenges in marketing measurement. The company was using a rules-based measurement model that allowed multiple channel owners to claim credit for the same sales. Each channel reported results separately, resulting in inflated last-click attributed results of 371% of actual sales. This made it impossible to tell which marketing investments actually drove sales. Lenovo also had a blind spot regarding who was purchasing what. The company wanted to effectively reach existing customers to drive repeat purchases.
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Lenovo is a Fortune 500 company and the #1 PC manufacturer globally. The company is a leader in personal technology, serving customers in more than 160 countries. Lenovo is known for its innovative products, efficient business model, and strong, diverse global team. The company is dedicated to excellence and is motivated to embrace new best practices in marketing measurement. Lenovo operates in the ultra-competitive consumer electronics market and is always looking for new opportunities for growth.
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Lenovo implemented Google Attribution 360 to end the practice of evaluating and optimizing each channel in a silo. The tool allowed Lenovo to analyze how marketing programs performed as a whole, optimize spending across channels, and allocate marketing budgets to drive incremental sales. In just six months, Attribution 360 delivered a new picture of marketing performance. With data from existing systems of record, website analytics, and ad servers, sales were re-analyzed with cross-channel, fractional credit. Once attributed, results reflected real sales. Lenovo learned that 75% of revenues resulted from multi-touch paths and 48% of engagement activity spanned multiple channels. The company also discovered that comparison shopping engines (CSEs) offer 20% better return on ad spend (ROAS) than the next best channel.
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Lenovo discovered that 75% of revenues resulted from multi-touch paths and 48% of engagement activity spanned multiple channels.
The company learned that comparison shopping engines (CSEs) offer better return on ad spend (ROAS) than the next best channel.
Lenovo gained a more holistic view of the customer journey, which will help optimize cross-channel investments and drive sales.
75% of online revenues have multi-touch paths
48% of engagement activity is cross-channel
20% better performance by CSEs than next best channel
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