Google Case Studies Google Attribution 360 lets Erwin Penland see holistic marketing impact
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Google Attribution 360 lets Erwin Penland see holistic marketing impact

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Finance & Insurance
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
Erwin Penland, an innovative agency, was tasked by its client, Advance America, to grow business without raising the budget. The goal was to attract as many prospects as possible while driving down effective cost per conversion (eCPC) to make existing marketing budgets work harder. The agency had been using last-touch ad server data to guide display and search investments. However, looking only at last touch attribution leaves much of the customer journey unmeasured. This limited view doesn’t credit all channels and touchpoints, or reveal cross-channel impacts. Erwin Penland needed a more holistic view to help Advance America succeed.
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Erwin Penland is an innovative agency dedicated to creating maximum success for each client. The agency had created notable wins for client Advance America, a leading payday loans provider, but it was time to do more. Advance America tasked Erwin Penland to help them grow business without raising the budget. Attracting as many prospects as possible while driving down effective cost per conversion (eCPC) would make existing marketing budgets work harder. The agency knew that better measurement was the key to success.
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Erwin Penland turned to Google Attribution 360, part of the Google Analytics 360 Suite, to escape the limitations and biases of a last-touch measurement model. Attribution 360 offers a holistic view of marketing performance across all channels and touchpoints. It also helps marketers avoid wasted ad spend so each marketing dollar does more. With Attribution 360, Erwin Penland could optimize Advance America’s display and search investments by monitoring page location and user-level visibility to avoid wasted placements and move ad dollars to placements with the best ability to improve conversions. The agency could see the complex relationships between touchpoints, campaigns, and channels. Data-driven attribution, ad verification, and optimization recommendations enabled the agency to put each marketing dollar to the best use.
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Erwin Penland could see the complex relationships between touchpoints, campaigns, and channels.
Data-driven attribution, ad verification, and optimization recommendations enabled the agency to put each marketing dollar to the best use.
Erwin Penland could optimize Advance America’s display and search investments by monitoring page location and user-level visibility to avoid wasted placements and move ad dollars to placements with the best ability to improve conversions.
Gained 19% more conversions without raising budgets
Reduced overall eCPC by 27%
Lowered eCPA by 14 to 20% in each of the first three months
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