Google Case Studies Google Attribution 360 insights boost new and repeat business for ideeli
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Google Attribution 360 insights boost new and repeat business for ideeli

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
Founded in 2006, ideeli is one of the fastest growing retailers in the US. With more than 6 million members and more than 1,000 brand partners, ideeli has pioneered a new way to shop the hottest brands at exceptional prices online. As the business scaled, so did the brand’s marketing needs. In 2011, ideeli noticed that marketing measurement data was failing to provide meaningful insights. Inconsistencies from looking only at last-click attribution were clouding the ideeli team’s view. Their audience engaged with so many touchpoints before purchasing, it was impossible to tell which ones really mattered. The team couldn’t even tell whether sales conversions were from repeat customers or new customers. Without understanding which touchpoints were the most useful to each kind of customer, optimizing marketing efforts became a guessing game. The brand was both over- and under-spending across channels as a result.
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ideeli is an online shopping destination with more than 6 million members. The company, founded in 2006, has grown rapidly and now partners with over 1,000 brands. ideeli has revolutionized the way consumers shop for the hottest brands at exceptional prices online. The company hosts 20 to 30 new sales events and adds up to 2,000 new images daily. As the business scaled, so did its marketing needs. The company is headquartered in New York, New York.
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To more effectively and efficiently reach desired audiences, ideeli set out to embrace a measurement practice that would offer deeper insights and inform marketing strategy. At a high level, the brand’s goals were to gain new member sign-ups and boost repeat purchases by engaging prior customers. ideeli implemented Google Attribution 360, part of the Google Analytics 360 Suite. More precise insights into campaign performance helped the team increase conversions while reducing effective cost per action (eCPA). With Attribution 360, the team was able to see the connection between display and search, noting that display impressions lifted search campaign performance by 50%. Attribution 360 also helped ideeli identify that more than 50% of their display ads were being shown “below the fold”—and that more than 30% of placements were never viewed.
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A clear view of past performance allowed the ideeli team to make better decisions, fast. Within just three months, the team had moved their media spend to top performing placements and eliminated all inefficient ad placements.
Upping their measurement game helped ideeli to exceed their marketing goals. The team grew new members while reducing cost per action by 14%.
Cost savings helped the brand justify more ad spend to engage prior customers, as well as funding for a new retargeting campaign that boosted repeat purchases by more than 30%.
Increased member sign-ups at 14% less cost
Boosted repeat purchases by 30%
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