Google Case Studies Google Analytics helps TV App Agency efficiently produce high-quality data for their connected TV clients
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Google Analytics helps TV App Agency efficiently produce high-quality data for their connected TV clients

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
TV App Agency, a pioneer in the development of applications for connected TVs, was facing a critical need to record data on clicks and downloads on apps for connected TV. The emerging platform was facing questions about monetization, and the agency needed to understand what consumers wanted from the apps. They wanted to gain data-led insights into future development. However, there were no existing statistics on what happens after a client downloads these apps. The agency spoke to a host of vendors offering analytics capabilities based on numerous APIs, but found that many were complex and difficult to implement.
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TV App Agency was launched in 2011 to provide expertise across software development, mobile apps, user experience, multi-screen devices, TV app development and app store submission. The agency enables brands, production houses, agencies and broadcasters to get onto connected TV. They have produced apps for connected TV devices including Samsung, LG, Philips and Sharp, and platforms including Google TV, Opera and set-top boxes. The agency uses a cross-platform engine so the apps they develop work on several different TVs, an efficient approach that eliminates the need for native code for each app.
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TV App Agency decided to integrate Google Analytics into their platform. They found that the Google Analytics APIs were easy to implement using the mobile server PHP code. Many of their own customers were already comfortable using Google Analytics, making it a logical choice. The agency opted to use Google Analytics’ server side APIs, which were more easily compatible in the connected TV environment than JavaScript APIs. They used their own in-house knowledge from previous mobile development to come up with a tagging strategy that harnessed exactly the data required. The integration was quick to develop and provided valuable data to their clients. They were able to track which adverts were being played and get an idea of which functions in apps were being used. The real-time reports showed when people were actually using these apps.
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Better insights and deeper understanding of app usage
More informed decisions regarding future app investment
Competitive advantage over other connected TV app developers
Spanish broadcaster RTVE’s app recorded 100,000 unique visitors in a four-week period with an average time on the app of 20 minutes
The Spanish football app for Liga BBVA recorded up to 18,000 users per week
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