Google Case Studies Eltsoft Gains up to 20X Revenue Increase Using Admob Interstitials
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Eltsoft Gains up to 20X Revenue Increase Using Admob Interstitials

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Product Research & Development
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
Data Science Services
Software Design & Engineering Services
Eltsoft LLC, a company that builds mobile language learning apps for iOS and Android, was looking for a way to earn more money from the free versions of their apps. Their most popular app, English Grammar, was downloaded by more than a million people in nearly 120 countries. However, the company wanted to deliver high-quality, language-relevant ads worldwide—an important capability because Eltsoft’s users live all over, from the United States and Europe to Asia and South America. They needed a simple platform that could help them monetize their apps while ensuring a positive user experience.
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Eltsoft LLC is a company that builds mobile language learning apps for iOS and Android. The company was founded by Jason Byrne and Robert Diem, who came together during their time as professors in Japan. Jason has experience with computer programming and teaching English, while Robert has content and design talents. Together, they started creating a series of fun language learning apps that allow users to study whenever they want, wherever they are. Their most popular app is English Grammar, which has been downloaded by more than a million people in nearly 120 countries.
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Eltsoft chose Google AdMob to enable them to deliver high-quality, language-relevant ads worldwide. Initially, they started with banner ads, but began experimenting with interstitial ads that appear in between exercises, quizzes, and other parts of the apps. Once they implemented rich-media interstitials in AdMob, revenues increased up to 20-fold overnight. They also used Google Analytics to set strategies and focus their marketing campaigns. Data from various sources—Google Analytics and Google Play, for instance—are now all in one place, helping them understand what’s happening with their ad campaigns and assess where to use their resources most effectively.
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Eltsoft was able to deliver high-quality, language-relevant ads worldwide.
The company grew its revenue up to 20-fold by using interstitials.
Eltsoft maintained a CPM of $7.
Revenue increased up to 20-fold overnight after implementing rich-media interstitials in AdMob.
The company maintained a CPM of $7.
The English Grammar app was downloaded by more than a million people in nearly 120 countries.
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