Trumpia Case Studies Ekko Church Praises SMS Messaging
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Ekko Church Praises SMS Messaging

Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
Sales & Marketing
Public Warning & Emergency Response
System Integration
Ekko Church was looking for an effective way to provide resources to its congregants for two upcoming events: Mental Health Awareness Sunday and Orphan Sunday. The church needed a method to provide a list of resources for people who were curious about the ministries. The challenge was to find a solution that was easy to use and more efficient than typing in the entire URL for the special pages.
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Ekko Church is a non-denominational church located in Fullerton, California. The church originally began with seven members, but has now grown to an average of 250 per week at its weekly worship service. While the church is well-versed in the latest technologies, it sought to provide an easy way to provide its members with the latest information.
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Ekko Church set up two mobile keywords ('EKKOMHS' for Mental Health Sunday and 'EKKOMJI' for Orphan Sunday) to collect phone numbers from those who were interested in the resources for either event. The automated responses sent upon someone texting in the mobile keywords provided links to relevant web pages for more information. At the end of each Sunday service, the instructions for mobile keywords were presented on the screens for congregants to message if they were interested.
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On the day that Mental Health Sunday launched, the organizers saw the highest hits on the website that have ever been recorded, with similar results on Orphan Sunday.
Interested church members found the mobile keywords and text instructions easy to use and simpler than typing in the entire URL for the special pages.
Ekko Church has regularly used it as a way of referring friends and family to their missions.
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