CDNetworks Case Studies Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, boosts the efficiency of its global communications thanks to CDNetworks
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Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, boosts the efficiency of its global communications thanks to CDNetworks

Cybersecurity & Privacy - Cloud Security
Networks & Connectivity - Network Management & Analysis Software
Business Operation
Supply Chain Visibility
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Cybersecurity Services
Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, hosts websites for its customers that must meet demanding technical specifications, such as fast page load times for users anywhere in the world. Some of Ekino’s customers have websites with large amounts of content, or have servers that are located far from where users connect to their websites. To serve these customers effectively, Ekino relies on CDNetworks’ content acceleration technology. CDNetworks’ technology can not only speed display times for web applications, but also reduce the amount of data that must be transferred from the original servers. As a result, customers save money on their internet service provider (ISP) costs and get greater capacity. For example, the large French car maker had a website that needed to be easily accessible from far-off countries like Brazil and Russia.
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FullSIX is a group of communication agencies created to help businesses adapt their operations to the digital age. The group has been at the forefront of innovation for over 15 years, leveraging new technology to drive growth in France and across Europe. Ekino is the group’s technology subsidiary; its 250 employees in France and Poland develop leading-edge systems for web applications. The company mainly provides system development, data analysis, and hosting services. Its customers include major French multinationals—including a French car maker with global operations. Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, hosts websites for this customer that must meet demanding technical specifications, such as fast page load times for users anywhere in the world.
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CDNetworks has been serving Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, since 2008, initially through Panther Express which was subsequently acquired by CDNetworks. Even today, the collaboration between the two technology businesses is still going strong with tangible benefits for Ekino’s customers. Thanks to CDNetworks’ global presence, Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, can deliver the web performance that its customers need anywhere in the world, with fast load times for their web pages and applications—regardless of the volume of content to be displayed. And all that comes with substantial cost savings. The staff at Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, especially appreciate being able to configure some of CDNetworks’ services themselves through CDNetworks’ web portal. That means they can customize the configuration to support responsive design, for example—an essential tool for ensuring the same high-quality content display on computers, smartphones, and tablets.
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Enhanced performance of websites handling large data volumes
Savings on bandwidth
Savings on IT infrastructure to exceed the 1 GB mark
Bandwidth through CDNetworks is significantly cheaper than the individual rate that Ekino, FullSIX Group company, previously paid
By going through CDNetworks, Ekino, a FullSIX Group company, can transfer more than a Gigabit of data without needing to purchase additional IT infrastructure
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