Nintex Case Studies Efficient Stem Cell Donation Process: A Life-Saving Innovation by Matchis Foundation
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Efficient Stem Cell Donation Process: A Life-Saving Innovation by Matchis Foundation

Healthcare & Hospitals
Time Sensitive Networking
Matchis Foundation, the Dutch center for stem cell donors, was facing a steady increase in donor requests due to the expansion of its register of potential donors. The foundation holds the details of over 326,000 potential stem cell donors and expects to grow its register by 30,000-40,000 new volunteers each year. This growth was leading to a 20% annual increase in requests for stem cell donations, thereby increasing the workload for the team managing the donation process. The process involved a series of steps, tightly controlled by regulations, including discussing the donation procedure and risks with the matched donor, setting up medical examinations, and hospital appointments. The existing processes were rigorous but time-consuming and involved a lot of manual data entry. The foundation needed an automated solution to manage and process donor requests and donations efficiently when a match was found.
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Matchis Foundation is the Dutch center for stem cell donors, providing a lifeline to cancer sufferers not only in the Netherlands but globally. The foundation holds the details of over 326,000 potential stem cell donors and expects to grow its register by 30,000-40,000 new volunteers each year. The foundation is dedicated to facilitating stem cell donations to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who need stem cell transplants. The foundation liaises with matched donors and puts everything in place for the stem cell donation to take place. It is committed to improving the efficiency of its workflow to handle the growing number of positive stem cell matches.
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Matchis Foundation implemented a new solution using K2 Software, designed and implemented by IT partner Indocs. The software significantly improved the efficiency of essential donor services by automatically generating all necessary forms for 25-40 matched donors per month, creating checklists of tasks, and highlighting the most urgent steps that the donor services team needs to complete. The software also enabled the team to see the status of donor requests at a glance, share information easily, and work more productively. The K2 Five workflow automatically populates six or more forms with donors’ details, saving up to 75 minutes per matched donor. It also automatically generates email headers with all the relevant reference details, saving the team over an hour in the creation of 15 to 20 emails relating to each matched donor. The new process ensures all administrative steps are completed correctly, without human error, in accordance with Dutch legislation, EU Directives, and the global identification, screening, and testing regulations for stem cell donations set by the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA).
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The implementation of the K2 Software solution has significantly improved the efficiency of the Matchis Foundation's donor services. The software has automated many of the time-consuming tasks, allowing the team to work more productively and handle an increasing workload without additional salary costs. The software has also improved collaboration within the team, as everyone can see the same information, work in a standardized way, and share documentation more easily. The new process ensures all administrative steps are completed correctly, without human error, in accordance with various regulations. The foundation is now able to carry out essential administrative and medical checks on matching stem cell donors highly efficiently, enabling patients to receive life-saving stem cell transplants.
20% increase in stem cell donations facilitated with the same staff
12 days of administration saved in a typical month
2 ¼ hours saved for each donor request
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