Datacor Case Studies Datacor's IoT Solution Maximizes Data Utilization for Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc.
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Datacor's IoT Solution Maximizes Data Utilization for Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc.

Functional Applications - Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Sensors - Chemical Sensors
Logistics & Transportation
Sales & Marketing
Time Sensitive Networking
Track & Trace of Assets
System Integration
Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc., a specialty chemical distributor based in Shirley, MA, was facing significant challenges in managing its sales data. The company was relying on manual processes, using basic accounting software for inventory management and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Word documents to capture and control sales data. This method was not user-friendly and became increasingly difficult to manage as the business grew. The company needed to carefully track its customers and monitor every product by lot, but the existing system was cumbersome and limited their ability to manage costs effectively. The lack of a dedicated software solution was hindering the company's growth and its ability to make quick and accurate business decisions.
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Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc., is a specialty chemical distributor and sales agent based in Shirley, MA. The company has been in operation since 1998, providing quality chemical raw materials for the manufacture and development of a wide range of products including coatings and inks, plastics, rubber products, adhesives, cosmetic and personal care products, household, industrial and institutional cleaners, and other related industry products. The company started from ground zero with no principals and no products, making cost management a critical aspect of their business operations. As the business grew, the need for a more efficient system to manage sales data became increasingly important.
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Bedford Specialty Sales turned to Datacor for a comprehensive solution. Datacor's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, specifically designed for the distribution sector, provided the functionality the business needed. The company transitioned to Datacor ERP in 2010. The software allowed them to list all the lots for their products, a feature not available in their previous system. The centralized system provided easy access to all their information, making the business more efficient. The transition to the new system was smooth, with Datacor's support team providing assistance and training. The new ERP was secure, customizable, and allowed the business to make better use of its data. The software also provided various reporting tools and the ability to accurately track the opportunity pipeline. Datacor’s CRM Traveler function allowed the team to access real-time data remotely, even without a Wi-Fi connection.
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The implementation of Datacor's ERP and CRM software has significantly improved Bedford Specialty Sales' operations. The software has made the business more efficient and effective, enabling them to log and access all information from one place. It has also made it easier to generate purchase orders, invoices, and call reports, and process sample requests. The software has been instrumental in the company's expansion across the U.S., helping them keep track of sales and prospects, and ensuring customers receive the best possible service. The ability to access real-time data remotely has been a huge advantage, especially in a fast-moving marketplace. The software has also made it easier to look up a product, see which customers use it, and identify other potential customers who might benefit from those products.
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