Google Case Studies Data Driven Attribution unlocks additional conversions by finetuning generic paid search spend
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Data Driven Attribution unlocks additional conversions by finetuning generic paid search spend

Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Sales & Marketing
Predictive Quality Analytics
Demand Planning & Forecasting
Data Science Services
HomeAway, an online vacation rental marketplace, wanted to better understand the impact of paid search (both generic and brand) and display on conversion likelihood. Their goal was to drive site visits that convert to inquiries on the properties listed on their website. However, traditional Last Click models did not provide the full picture of the customer journey and the impact of different marketing channels. Therefore, they needed a more comprehensive approach to attribution modeling, which assigns credit to different consumer interactions that take place prior to a sale or lead.
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HomeAway, Inc. is an online vacation rental marketplace that connects homeowners and property managers who advertise their properties available for rent to travelers. HomeAway is the world’s leading online marketplace of vacation rentals, with sites representing over 775,000 paid listings of vacation rental homes in 171 countries. Their business model is to provide a marketplace for homeowners and property managers to rent to individuals for the purpose of vacation renting. To strengthen the footprint of their demand side, HomeAway works to fine-tune their marketing strategies to drive site visits that convert to inquiries on the HomeAway website, the first step in the process of renting a property on the HomeAway marketplace.
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HomeAway collaborated with Google to implement the evidence-based approach of Data-Driven Attribution in Google Analytics Premium. This approach accurately credits campaign interactions, providing a more complete understanding of the customer journey. Using the Model Comparison Tool report in Google Analytics, HomeAway identified a set of keywords that drove more inquiring visits. They then increased the spend on these keywords and used Google Analytics to evaluate the impact. The test budget of USD 6,000 helped drive 23% more attributed conversions by the selected keywords, allowing HomeAway to progress further on the yield curve towards optimal spend effectiveness.
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HomeAway successfully identified a set of keywords that drove more inquiring visits than in a similar period before the test.
HomeAway decided to increase the spend in these keywords, and use Google Analytics to evaluate the impact.
The test budget of USD 6,000 helped drive 23% more attributed conversions by the selected keywords, helping HomeAway to progress further on the yield curve towards an optimal spend effectiveness.
Fine-tuned 20 keywords based on Data- Driven Attribution.
HomeAway saw a 23% increase in attributed conversions for those keywords after implementing changes, compared to a similar period before.
The test budget of USD 6,000 helped drive 23% more attributed conversions by the selected keywords.
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