Information Builders Case Studies City of Irving Police Work Smarter With WebFOCUS Law Enforcement Analytics
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City of Irving Police Work Smarter With WebFOCUS Law Enforcement Analytics

Information Builders
Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
Security & Public Safety
Business Operation
Predictive Maintenance
Public Warning & Emergency Response
Real-Time Location System (RTLS)
The City of Irving Police Department was facing a challenge of accessing and interpreting the vast amount of data collected from their newly implemented Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems and Records Management Systems (RMS) from Tiburon, Inc. The influx of information made it clear that the department needed a more intuitive way for officers, analysts, and command staff to search the database and create timely reports. The department needed a business intelligence (BI) environment that would allow the force to rapidly obtain relevant insight about people, places, things, events, or other issues in a cohesive and understandable way.
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The City of Irving Police Department is a law enforcement agency that promotes a high quality of life and promptly reviews crime trends to better serve and protect the community. The department is led by Police Chief Larry Boyd and is committed to reducing crime and expanding city services in cost-effective ways. As part of this commitment, the department has invested in new Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems and Records Management Systems (RMS) from Tiburon, Inc. These systems have enabled the department to collect a tremendous amount of data, which they aim to use to take a more proactive approach to law enforcement and combat crime more effectively.
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The City of Irving Police Department chose the WebFOCUS BI platform from Information Builders to give officers at headquarters and in the field access to vital data contained in several disparate city and police databases. The department worked with Information Builders Professional Services to integrate criminal justice data from its existing CAD, RMS, and JMS information repositories, then went on to create dashboards, reports, alerts, ad hoc analytics, and interactive maps. The team also created an information-sharing portal to aggregate criminal information for dissemination to police officers at headquarters, as well as directly to mobile computers in the squad cars. The new analytic environment leverages information from the courts and other city databases as well. Officers can customize the interface to suit their individual needs.
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The department has been able to gather the knowledge it needs to take a more proactive approach to law enforcement, and combat crime more effectively.
Senior officers and supervisors use the dashboard to review key performance indicators (KPIs).
Patrol officers can access daily crime summaries displayed either in graphical reports or digital maps, along with crime analysis tools, trending tools, and a search engine for querying the system by person, vehicle, location, and other variables.
Dropping crime rates
An increase in intelligence bulletins
An upsurge in the number of suspects arrested based on advanced intelligence techniques
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