Information Builders Case Studies City of Charlotte Addresses Data Deficiencies With iWay
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City of Charlotte Addresses Data Deficiencies With iWay

Information Builders
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Data Management Platforms
Cities & Municipalities
Business Operation
Data Science Services
System Integration
The City of Charlotte, North Carolina, lacked a centralized repository for managing physical and mailing address information. This deficiency led to duplicate or erroneous address records that created additional challenges with service delivery. Inaccurate address information was able to creep into databases whenever a name was misspelled or a duplicate address was entered. City staff members often discovered address anomalies but there was latency involved in resolving the data issues and updating the associated databases. All of these data quality issues cost money by requiring extra resources for resolution.
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The City of Charlotte is a municipal government in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the second-largest financial center in the U.S. and the nation’s 16th most populous city. As the city grows and experiences land use changes, officials recognized the need for accurate address information to deliver services – everything from code enforcement to garbage pickup – to businesses and residences. The City partnered with Mecklenburg County Land Records on the Service Impact Messaging by Address (SIMBA) project, in recognition of the county’s vital role with the initial assignment of physical addresses.
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The City purchased iWay Master Data Server (MDS) software to automate data profiling, cleansing, matching, merging, enrichment, remediation, and monitoring activities. This mature software package, a key component of the iWay Information Asset Management Platform, now enables the City to carefully check its data records, identify duplicates, standardize discrepancies, remediate exceptions, and create a master database of “golden address records” – with associated x and y coordinates (for geo-coding), USPS address labels, tax data, and tax fee data. The City is using iWay Service Manager in conjunction with Biztalk to integrate the data with consuming systems. Initially, two City departments will use the address information from SIMBA. The Cityworks application within the Solid Waste Services department will be the first application to consume the master address information, followed by a new CRM system for CharMeck 311.
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A consistent set of master records that can feed multiple information systems.
Improved accuracy of address data.
Customer service representatives have a more complete and consistent view of city address data.
The City projected a four-year payback on an MDM address improvement solution.
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