Aptean Case Studies Aptean Routing & Scheduling Software Helps Tesco Cut Carbon Emissions
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Aptean Routing & Scheduling Software Helps Tesco Cut Carbon Emissions

Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Functional Applications - Transportation Management Systems (TMS)
Logistics & Transportation
Warehouse & Inventory Management
Last Mile Delivery
Transportation Simulation
Tesco, a leading international retailer, was facing a significant challenge in its quest for sustainable growth. The company was dealing with the pressure of processing over 4,000 daily deliveries to more than 700 stores throughout the UK and Ireland, using a fleet of 1,400 trucks from 26 distribution centers. This delivery fleet accounted for nearly a sixth of Tesco's total carbon footprint. The company had set an ambitious sustainability target to reduce the CO2 created per case of goods delivered by 50% over the next five years. However, the increasing CO2 targets driven by corporate strategy and the growing number of deliveries were creating mounting pressures.
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Tesco is one of the world's leading international retailers, with over 700 stores throughout the UK and Ireland. The company processes over 4,000 daily deliveries using a fleet of 1,400 trucks from 26 distribution centers. Tesco is committed to sustainable growth and has set ambitious sustainability targets as part of its corporate strategy. The company's delivery fleet accounts for almost a sixth of its total carbon footprint, and over the next five years, Tesco is working to reduce the CO2 created per case of goods delivered by 50%.
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To address these challenges, Tesco partnered with Aptean, a leading provider of delivery route optimization solutions. The company adopted Aptean's strategic planning solution as part of its sustainable distribution strategy. This solution was designed to optimize transportation operations and support Tesco's corporate sustainability goals. The solution provided strategic analysis capabilities for their corporate sustainable distribution strategy, optimized transportation schedules, balanced warehouse capacity and daily throughput limits from the distribution center, and provided a sophisticated planning resource to help reduce food miles and CO2 emissions. This partnership enabled Tesco to make significant savings and provided them with the resources needed to achieve their ambitious carbon reduction targets.
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The partnership with Aptean has enabled Tesco to make significant savings and progress towards its ambitious carbon reduction targets. By reviewing the allocation of stores to distribution centers, balancing warehouse capacities and daily throughput limits, and optimizing the detailed transportation schedules, Tesco has been able to reduce the overall food miles and associated carbon emissions. The project has also improved store allocation and fleet utilization, and increased backhauling. This has not only helped Tesco achieve its sustainability goals but also improved its operational efficiency.
12% improvement in empty running
150,000 miles saved each week
Increased backhauling
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