Trumpia Case Studies ab+c Creative Intelligence uses mobile keywords to help the Delaware Office of Highway Safety get drunk drivers home safe
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ab+c Creative Intelligence uses mobile keywords to help the Delaware Office of Highway Safety get drunk drivers home safe

Application Infrastructure & Middleware - API Integration & Management
Security & Public Safety
Sales & Marketing
Public Warning & Emergency Response
The Delaware Office of Highway Safety was looking for a potentially viral way to prevent drunk driving in their state, but needed a strategy to promote a way for impaired drivers to get the information they needed. They hired a marketing agency called ab+c Creative Intelligence, to help them drive down the number of intoxicated drivers getting behind the wheel. The challenge was to create a campaign that would deter intoxicated citizens from driving and provide them with an alternative way to get home safely.
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The customer in this case study is the Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS). The OHS is a government agency responsible for ensuring the safety of the state's roads and highways. They are committed to reducing the number of accidents and fatalities caused by impaired driving. To achieve this, they sought the help of a marketing agency, ab+c Creative Intelligence, to create a campaign that would discourage drunk driving and provide alternatives for those who are intoxicated. The campaign was to be potentially viral, reaching as many citizens as possible.
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The solution to the challenge was a mobile campaign created using Trumpia’s software. The marketing agency decided to simultaneously run two keyword campaigns for the Delaware OHS. The first campaign sent a list of the week’s DUI checkpoints to anyone that texted “CHECKPOINT” to a designated short code. The hope was that intoxicated citizens would be deterred from drunk driving when they saw how futile it would be to try and avoid every checkpoint. OHS also had Trumpia’s system automatically send subscribers an updated list each week. The second keyword campaign encouraged potential drunk drivers to text “TAXI” to the same short code. When they do, Trumpia’s system would automatically respond with a link embedded into a message that leads to a website listing taxi services. They promoted these keywords by announcing them through radio and TV ads, and placing them on posters and coasters in bars throughout the state.
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The campaign was promoted through various channels including radio and TV ads, and posters and coasters in bars throughout the state.
The campaign provided a way for intoxicated citizens to get the information they needed to avoid driving.
The campaign was potentially viral, reaching a large number of citizens.
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